February 11, 2025

Prioritization announcements expected this week

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PLNU spending cut decisions known as “prioritization” have been delayed from their original scheduled announcement dates of April 22 or 23 and are expected to be made some time this week.

“The Cabinet’s original goal was to conclude all of our prioritization work by the last Friday,” wrote PLNU President Bob Brower in an email to faculty and staff last Monday obtained by The Point Weekly. “However, the extent of the data and our commitment to consider all relevant information in the decision making process, is requiring additional research and evaluation time before final decisions are made.”

The Point Weekly has confirmed that multiple departments, schools, centers and institutes on campus have been asked by Provost and Chief Academic Officer Kerry Fulcher to meet with him regarding prioritization on Monday, April 28 and Tuesday, April 29 or Wednesday April 30.

Faculty and Staff are expected to hear the results of the work of two committees of university employees and the administrative cabinet who reviewed self-review reports produced by campus departments and organization in order to cut $2.2 million in campus-wide spending.

“The process leading up to prioritization has unfortunately been sufficiently labyrinthine and convoluted to make predictions impossible,” said Professor of Philosophy and Religion Samuel Powell via email. “We don’t even know the focus and priority of the cuts: departmental majors? Professors? Other programs? Some of each? “

The Administrative and Support Review and Academic Affairs Review committees each had financial targets to meet and made recommendation to the university’s administrative cabinet. The Academic Affairs Review Committee seeks to cut $1.3 million and the Administrative Support and Review Committee will look to cut $900,000. All members of the established committees were asked to sign confidentiality agreements.

“The true character of each person and of this body as a Christ-centered community will be revealed and tested in the coming days, weeks and months,” said Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for Justice and Reconciliation Jamie Gates. “Our character will be revealed in both what changes are made and the ways in which we respond to that change. The uncertainty of what is to come has taken its toll on our community. It has been over two years that we have been moving toward the decisions that are about to be released; the process has been full of uncertainty, tension and much critical analysis. I feel and pray for those who have to make these decisions, and for everyone who has felt the sting of doubt and uncertainty.”

Related Articles:

PLNU looks to cut $2.2 million in spending through prioritization process

Note of clarification from Dean Nelson

Prioritization, Time To Get Talking (Opinion)

Prioritization results announced: multiple majors to be phased out from PLNU among other cuts


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