
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Point. Letters to the editor and opinion columns are subject to editing for length, taste, grammar and clarity. Any content provided by our op-ed contributors is of their opinion.


May the Force Awaken!

I was a teen and bored. Following my Saturday afternoon routine, I journeyed to the center of Brussels, to the movie theaters, with the dollar my mother always...


Teapot souls

Teapots plot their warm treat in advance, I think. They pre-steep themselves with deep thoughts just to accompany the coming tea. I like teapots. Teapots and I...


Unseen and unfelt

Fight for me? Or for you? For who? A deep-seeded anger that twists and pulls, no way out so it wrestles inside, slowly turning itself into a depressive state...


Let Tomorrow Come

Once the sun’s warm glow has receded from our vision and the ever-cycling moon has come from the horizon, a phenomenon takes place belittled by our narrow...


Missed Connection: W4M (Caf Lane)

I’m looking for a guy who was wearing a garish plaid flannel on Tuesday, Nov. 11. You attempted to get my attention by whistling at me and using the smooth...


Short story: The Fall

There he is again, sitting in my shade on this still fall afternoon. Is it really him? Or is it another brown-haired man? It’s so hard to tell, they all...


My walk with you

A particular kind of magic blankets Point Loma Nazarene University when my digital watch blinks “7:00 p.m.” Dusk settles over the sky, painting the campus in...