
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Point. Letters to the editor and opinion columns are subject to editing for length, taste, grammar and clarity. Any content provided by our op-ed contributors is of their opinion.


Cupid’s Return

By: Brennan Ernst, 2022 Alumnus First of all, I’d like to thank the now-deceased Blunt for sponsoring this edition of The Point. For those unaware, Point Loma...


Renewal Comes Through the Gospel

By Noah Shaw Another renewal week has come and passed, and again I have failed to be renewed in any meaningful way. What I find missing from most renewal...


Is Christmas in November now? 

It was the start of September and I walked into Home Depot for some home essentials when I  saw a jolly smiling Santa blow-up animatronic nestled right...