Tim Whetstone says goodbye to PLNU
This week PLNU announced that Tim Whetstone, the Director of Chaplain Ministries will be leaving his position at the end of this semester. While Whetstone serve... Read more.

Where in the world are our graduates?
While the spring semester has only just begun, chances are that if you’re a senior you’ve been asked the dreaded question of: “What are your plans for aft... Read more.

Administration searches for parking alternatives
PLNU students can now park in faculty parking as of September eighth due to the increase in students with cars this school year. PLNU’s President Bob Brower h... Read more.

Editor reflection: Samantha Watkins
Sunday afternoons spent in the newspaper room with a view of the ocean, working late nights to finish edits or a story to make deadline and the amount of memes ... Read more.

The search of the dream catcher
A life-size dream catcher was found Sunday after being removed from its installation near Chapel earlier this week. Lizzy Moyer, a sophomore at PLNU made the dr... Read more.

Without my monster, I’m a Monster
PLNU’s Breakers Market stopped selling energy drinks, with the exception of Kickstart, at the start of spring semester. This came as a surprise to many studen... Read more.

‘Arrested Development’ star Tony Hale visits PLNU
“I feel like a lot of college students don’t get told this enough: everything is going to be OK. I know there’s so much stress and anxiety but... Read more.

15 problems of being left handed
A majority of people are right handed but hey, lefties need some attention too. I was forced to become left handed this week but despite the challenges, it̵... Read more.

11 things to give up for Lent
Lent is right around the corner and if you are struggling to figure out what to give up, we have some ideas for you! 1. Netflix 2. Social media or perhaps just ... Read more.

VIDEO: Gas prices stay low in San Diego
The Point’s Samantha Watkins reports on what lower gas prices mean for San Diego.... Read more.