Dear Chapel: Give Me A Break. Sincerely, A Working Student
We all know how hard it is to meet our chapel requirements between homework, a social life, extracurricular activities and various other responsibilities. Not t... Read more.

Interesting Classes to Take Next Semester
Whether you want to explore a new major, pick up a minor, fill up your class schedule or simply try something new, taking a class outside of your expertise can ... Read more.

“Wear Black on Wednesdays:” Bringing Attention to the #MeToo Movement at PLNU
Decisions and emotions took an unexpected turn on Friday afternoon when comments by Senator Jeff Flake prompted President Donald J. Trump to delay the vote on w... Read more.

The Opinion Page: Evaluating Your Beliefs
John. F. Kennedy gave a commencement speech to Yale University graduates in 1962 where he expressed: “Too often we…enjoy the comfort of opinion without the ... Read more.

Sustainable Fashion Can Be Sustainable For Your Wallet Too
Brands such as Everlane, Nisolo, Outdoor Voices and Patagonia have been gaining tremendous traction in the last few years. These brands all have something in co... Read more.

In Honor of Earth Day: Four Simple Ways to Lead and More Sustainable Lifestyle
Living an eco-friendly life can often seem like a daunting and difficult task, but even small changes to daily habits can lead to a more sustainable lifestyle. ... Read more.

PLNU Students Making It Big On Instagram
Some of PLNU’s creative and passionate students are taking what they love and sharing it with the world. Instagram enables these students to make their voices... Read more.

Senior Art Show Spotlight: Brandon Albertson’s ‘Mask’
Brandon Albertson, a senior visual arts major with a concentration in photography, displayed his senior art show, “Mask,” last week in the Keller Gallery. A... Read more.

Ode to the Shuttle Driver
7:50 a.m. – Sunlight breaks through the morning cloud cover onto my bedroom floor as the waves break on the shore of the cliffs below. I go about my usual mor... Read more.

Raising Our Children to be Disciples, Not Spouses
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it,” reads Proverbs 22:6 (NIV). We are supposed to teach c... Read more.