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What’s New at Point TV

This year, there are a lot of exciting new things going on at Point Loma Nazarene University in the media communications and broadcast journalism departments. One of the most sensational works that the media-com and broadcast majors put together is Point TV, PLNU’S student-run campus television station. Every year, Point TV gets a new station management team. Point TV’s new management team this year features Nick Macedo as the new Station Manager. “I call myself the producer of the producers,” said Macedo, “because it’s my job to keep the shows running on the proper schedule”. Eliza Jason is the new Coastline Manager and Social Media Manager, keeping Point TV’s Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat accounts running. Riley McQuown and Shakia Collins are the new Loma Sports Tonight Managers. Loma Sports Tonight is Point TV’s sports show that they are revolutionizing. Margaret Mann is the new Graphics manager. She has learned a very complicated computer program to be able to take the graphics Point TV uses to a whole new level. Michelle Torres is the new Public Relations manager. She keeps PLNU’s campus updated on the things Point TV does and events they have. Madison Parker is the new Production Manager. She sets up lights and sets for the weekly live-to-tape shows.


Point TV’s shows for this semester include Coastline, Loma Sports Tonight, Professors in Cars Getting Coffee, Reel Students, The Beat, The Movie Review Show, and Heynouncements. Coastline is a news show that features national and local stories. Loma Sports Tonight is a sports show that features national, local, and Loma sports. Professors in Cars Getting Coffee is an interview-style show where the host, Victor Carno, takes a professor out to coffee to get to know them better. Reel Students is an interview show that features key workers on a short film produced by our school and a screening of that short film. The Beat is a documentary-style show that features hot topics around campus. The Movie Review Show is a talk show where film connoisseurs talk about what did and didn’t work for them in a particular movie and whether they recommend watching it or not. Heynouncements is an informational video for students of PLNU to know what events are going on around campus within the next week.


Some fun trips to look forward to this year include Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Every Fall semester, students get to go to LA for a film trip. On this trip, the film department takes 15-20 students to a taping of a sitcom at one of the sound stage lots in Los Angeles. This trip provides students with the opportunity to see how real-world filming is done in the movie capital of the world. In the Spring semester, students also attend the annual Broadcast Education Association and National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas. This is a three to four-day trip where filmmakers and broadcast journalists come to show off state of the art technology that is used in their fields. This usually includes an awards ceremony for professional projects, panels by artists about their work, and workshops on how to do professional level work.


Some may know that the school recently made the decision to not subscribe to campus-wide cable. This took away Point TV’s way of broadcasting the shows that they make to PLNU’s student body. Because of this, Point TV made the switch to YouTube being their main platform. All of Point TV’s projects will be posted to their YouTube account in the hopes of reaching more students on campus and further. To supplement their YouTube activity, Point TV is also using Instagram and Snapchat to appeal to their audience even more. Instagram is their way of putting out teasers for upcoming videos and showing the production side of their projects. Snapchat is used to show followers some behind-the-scenes footage of the Point TV team at work on projects.


There are some planned events for this year, including a couple film forums and Point TV’s annual PLNU TV & Film Festival. Film Forums are a night where someone who has experience working in the TV or film industry come and talk to students about the work that they do professionally. The Point TV team will usually watch some of their work and interview them about it. The annual PLNU TV & Film Festival is a night where all submitted projects that were created in the current school year are screened for the student body and awarded by the Department Head, Dr. Allen Hueth. It is a way for students to be rewarded for the hard work that they put into their major. The whole student body is invited to these events.



For information on programs and their air times, please subscribe to Point TV on YouTube, follow @pointtv.23 on Instagram, like Point TV on Facebook, or visit channel-23-schedule. Also, feel free to contact Alan Hueth at regarding any other inquires related to Point TV.


About the author

Michelle Torres

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