February 8, 2025

Photos: Students go all out for the Homecoming Extravaganza

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Homecoming Extravaganza brought students, faculty, staff and alumni to Caf Lane for fun festivities ranging from face painting to puppet shows and Boney chairs for auction.

Senior Norell "Mi-Lo" Lopez, an engineering and physics major, is shown here with Albert, putting on one of three puppet shows during the event.
Senior Norell “Mi-Lo” Lopez, an engineering and physics major, is shown here with Albert, putting on one of three puppet shows during the event.
Sophomore and Pyschology major Alexandra Bitter, junior Jacci O'Keefe, a political science major and junior Austin Flanagan, a political science major, spend time as balloon experts, making roughly 80 balloons for kiddos during the event.
Sophomore and Pyschology major Alexandra Bitter, junior Jacci O’Keefe, a political science major and junior Austin Flanagan, a political science major, spend time as balloon experts, making roughly 80 balloons for kiddos during the event.
Junior Melissa MacRunnel and senior Victoria Smith, both education majors, represent the School of Education booth with treats for alumni and students alike.
Junior Melissa MacRunnel and senior Victoria Smith, both education majors, represent the School of Education booth with treats for alumni and students alike.
Want a chair from Boney? These final four were auctioned off with signatures from Bob Brower!
Want a chair from Boney? These final four were auctioned off with signatures from Bob Brower!
Surprisingly, every chair sold. Where is that going to go? #homedecor
Surprisingly, every chair sold. Where is that going to go? #homedecor
Courtney Crimmins, a sophomore finance major, paints the face of Christin Link, a sophomore nursing major, as part of the Women's Club Volleyball booth.
Courtney Crimmins, a sophomore finance major, paints the face of Christin Link, a sophomore nursing major, as part of the Women’s Club Volleyball booth.
Applied health sciene majors Rachel Bahena, Emily Sloan and Alyssa Bennett give out samples of pumpkin bread.
Applied health sciene majors Rachel Bahena, Emily Sloan and Alyssa Bennett give out samples of pumpkin bread.
The Student Dietetic Association hands out gluten free and vegetarian soups. Dietetics majors Emily Strannigan, a senior, Julia Brown, a junior, and Lucy Richie, a junior, give soup to Barb Kennedy, the vice president for the Women's Auxiliary and Friends.
The Student Dietetic Association hands out gluten free and vegetarian soups. Dietetics majors Emily Strannigan, a senior, Julia Brown, a junior, and Lucy Richie, a junior, give soup to Barb Kennedy, the vice president for the Women’s Auxiliary and Friends.
Michelle Stagner, a senior education major, sells car chargers to alumni for her sister, a 2012 alumna, who is recovering from a rare type of blood cancer. Money from Phi Upsilon Omichron, an arm of Family and Consumer Sciences, is helping her raise money.
Michelle Stagner, a senior education major, sells car chargers to alumni for her sister, a 2012 alumna, who is recovering from a rare type of blood cancer. Money from Phi Upsilon Omichron, an arm of Family and Consumer Sciences, is helping her raise money.
Sophomore entrepreneurs, Jay Hovis and Tom Williams, a finance major and a graphic design major respectively, serve free Wiley and Sons coffee as part of the Homebrew Club. Sam Sidler (left) oversees as the chairman of the club.
Sophomore entrepreneurs, Jay Hovis and Tom Williams, a finance major and a graphic design major respectively, serve free Wiley and Sons coffee as part of the Homebrew Club. Sam Sidler (left) oversees as the chairman of the club.
Senior Meaghan Zuttermeister, a business administration major, Lindsey Sirianni, a junior psychology major, Cameron Baisden, a junior business management major, Jonathan Sawada, a sophomore biochemistry major, Terence Tanaka, a MBA business student and Austin Kunishige, a freshman biochemistry major man the Hui O Hawaii booth.
Senior Meaghan Zuttermeister, a business administration major, Lindsey Sirianni, a junior psychology major, Cameron Baisden, a junior business management major, Jonathan Sawada, a sophomore biochemistry major, Terence Tanaka, a MBA business student and Austin Kunishige, a freshman biochemistry major man the Hui O Hawaii booth.
The Loma Wake and Ski team goes out on Mission Bay every weekend. Here to represent are sophomore Streeter Parker, a pre-dental biology major,  and junior Tori Milburn, an applied health science major.
The Loma Wake and Ski team goes out on Mission Bay every weekend. Here to represent are sophomore Streeter Parker, a pre-dental biology major, and junior Tori Milburn, an applied health science major.
Lindsey Moreash, a sophomore athletic training major, paints on the cheek of Regan Wood, a sophomore nursing major.
Lindsey Moreash, a sophomore athletic training major, paints on the cheek of Regan Wood, a sophomore nursing major.
Kirby Challman mans the velcro wall for students and children alike Saturday mid-morning.
Kirby Challman mans the velcro wall for students and children alike Saturday mid-morning.
Senior international studies major, Mollie Ah Sing, Joanna Lee, a freshman psychology major, and Katherine Fleming, a sophomore social work major, give out fair trade chocolate and information about the Beauty for Ashes Fund.
Senior international studies major, Mollie Ah Sing, Joanna Lee, a freshman psychology major, and Katherine Fleming, a sophomore social work major, give out fair trade chocolate and information about the Beauty for Ashes Fund.


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