March 28, 2025

People of Sunset Cliffs: Ricky & Lynn

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Hi, my name is Christopher Broze. I am a second-year media communication major and I go on runs almost every day along Sunset Cliffs. During sunset, the cliffs become littered with diverse crowds of people who gather to take in the iconic view. One of the main reasons I run along this course is because there is always a new story that I get to watch unfold. Whether that be a proposal, wedding, gender reveal, professionally set up picnic or someone just walking their dog, the scenes I see make me question who these people are and what their story is. Drawing inspiration from “Humans of New York” (@humansofny), this column is dedicated to talking to someone new every week on Sunset Cliffs in an effort to be present to the people around me. In this edition, you’ll be hearing from Ricky and Lynn, a mother and daughter from Ohio. 

What brings you two to San Diego?

Lynn: My oldest daughter actually worked at the Surf Pro Competition in Oceanside this weekend, so we came down for the week to see her and my other daughter. 

What brought you down to the Cliffs?

Lynn: We leave first thing in the morning tomorrow, so we came to enjoy the view one last time. I love your campus by the way; I wouldn’t get anything done if I went there. 

What has been your favorite part of San Diego?

Lynn: Sitting by the ocean. We don’t have that in Ohio.

Ricky: Watching my child and grandchildren have a good time. Not many people do that anymore.

What is your favorite place in the world and why?

Lynn: Port Angeles, Washington. There’s mountains on one side and an ocean on the other. It’s the perfect combination. 

Ricky: Niagara Falls. My husband and I would go three to four times a year; we started doing that when I was 18. I’m 71 now. My husband passed away last October. 

What is your passion in life?

Lynn: I have my own accounting business back in Ohio and I love helping small businesses succeed. 

Ricky: Supporting the family.

Lynn: I should’ve said that.

What is a quote or a saying that you think everyone should hear?

Lynn: You only live once. It’s cliche but I’m telling you, as a 51 year old, it could never be more true. 

Ricky: My husband wore many hats, and in one of those hats he was a minister. My favorite verse is 2 Timothy 2:15, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth.” Do you wish you said that one, Lynn?

Lynn: Nope, I actually liked mine!

Ricky: My granddaughter actually has a tattoo with a bible verse. When I asked her what it was, she said she forgot it. She told me that I probably couldn’t quote my favorite verse, but I one-upped her on that one. 

What is one piece of advice that you would give to college students?

Lynn: I’m working on a book right now called I Wish I Knew, and it’s all about things I wish I knew and things I wish I did differently when I was your age. Set your goals. Set your goals and find a pathway to them — just go get them!

Ricky: Don’t go to your friends for advice at first. Always go to your mom and your dad.

Me: I stick by that one!

Lynn: I don’t!

Ricky: Well, sort of. She’d always go to her father. 

Written By: Christopher Broze


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