February 23, 2025

Media students to potentially work with MTV

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Although MTV’s programming is usually far from what would be considered PLNU appropriate, this notion may possibly start to change, sooner than later, due to the a new project from students in the Media Communications department. The project, known as “The Message In The Music”, is an interview show geared toward highlighting Christian musicians by giving them an outlet to communicate their faith while sharing their talent. The show’s production team has plans to get in touch with MTV to possibly air the show on the channel.

“We are really focusing on bringing in Christian musicians who are not only extremely talented, but who also have something meaningful to say about how God is working in their life,” said Alan Hueth, media communications professor, and facilitator for this project.

Princeburry Productions, the show’s production company, recently approached Hueth, who is a member of their advisory board, and asked him for ideas on how they could make their vision for this program come to life, and that is where PLNU came into the picture. Hueth, who was well aware of his student’s capabilities, saw this as an opportunity for student involvement in a “real world” project.

Despite the fact that Hueth is overseeing production, this project is predominantly a testament to the abilities of PLNU’s media communications students. Junior, Olivia Mowry is the director of “The Message In The Music”. Mowry has been working closely with staff at Princebury in order to bring their vision to fruition. She started out by directing the episodes and has been able to extend her expertise into many different facets of the production process.

“What excites me is how big this project is,” said Mowry. “Even though students are working on and leading the project, it has a much further reaching impact than I could imagine.”

Mowry clarifies that Tausha Seymour-Scarlett, Princebury Production’s CEO, has very high hopes for the future of this endeavor.

Four episodes have been filmed on campus, featuring artists such as Clister, The Sonflowers, DaysEye, and Teka Perry. They are currently in the stages of planning more. Hueth is excited for a professional yet faith-based project to incorporate Point Loma students as main contributors.

“The Message In The Music” is currently playing in 3500 Las Vegas hotel rooms. Ultimately, it is Princebury’s vision to have the show contracted with a major television network. Their hopes are to sign with MTV and although there hasn’t been contact with MTV yet, the idea is being discussed.



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