March 28, 2025
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On Point Loma Nazarene University’s campus, there are several Loma themed Instagram accounts that have been created and obtained great followings. One particular account with the handle, “loma.memes,” currently has 2,749 followers and posts consistently every two to four days. 

The Loma Memes Instagram account is filled with student submissions. A student will usually directly message a meme and state whether they want credit for it or not. Some posts are anonymous while others are credited. 

The student who runs the account, who wished to remain anonymous, said, “ I actually wasn’t the one who created the account. Loma Memes have been active since 2017.” 

When a student graduates the account is passed down for a current student to maintain.

The account admin added, “My main motivation for running the account as the current admin is to make people laugh and to be able to brighten someone’s day through memes.” 

The account is so successful because, perhaps, it is so relatable. The memes on the account truly capture jokes only a Loma student would understand. From making light-hearted jokes about the Caf to creating jokes about how terrible the parking situation is on campus, this page captures the type of humor that connects people together. 

Another Instagram account that has caught the attention of PLNU students is called, “loma.sleep.”  The student who runs the account addressed that the intentions of the account were to bring the PLNU community together by highlighting students falling asleep around campus. 

The account currently has 1,996 followers and gains its content from student submissions. The loma.sleep account also posts weekly to keep their followers engaged. 

The student who runs the account said, “It is odd how our sea lions enjoy seeing themselves sleeping while in chapel, in the shuttle, or studying on campus. This account is for the people. They are what makes the account what it is, not me.” 

The account gets passed down from generation to generation. The person running the account has to have the ability to be consistent with posting while creating humor that other people will enjoy. When one account holder graduates, it is important that the PLNU students find someone who is ready to carry on the tradition. 

Many college students with their busy lives and crazy schedules just simply need sleep. The loma.sleep account exposes students who have fallen asleep around campus and of course, shares the photo for all of the world to see. 

Don’t get caught sleeping in chapel, they’ll find you!

There’s no end to the creativity when it comes to PLNU accounts. An account has been created for  almost everything on campus, including one for telling your crush that you like them!

Senior Art History major Lauren Bothe said, “I really enjoy the student run instagram accounts, they understand the essence of PLNU more so than any faculty or staff member could. However, some of the accounts are pretty pointless.” 

Social media platforms such as Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat and Twitter have proven to connect students on college campuses. According to Loyala University of Maryland, students are more connected through social media platforms than ever before.  The Loma community has come together as a school on social media to share pictures that mostly everyone can relate to.

Senior Psychology major Amaris Campos said, “I follow some of the accounts and think they are funny. I like to stay connected with the student body and enjoy seeing what’s going on.”

By: Fiona Rasak


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