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‘Dinner for your complaints’ rings in 40 student complaints

The single file line of guests waiting in the ASB lounge to document their complaints reached eight people within the first 10 minutes. Each person was greeted by ASB President mcKensey Wise who recorded their complaints from a small circular table to the left of the ASB offices and told them they could redeem their free food from the Robinson Conference Room.

“A lot of people complain about things often to me because they know I’m in a position where I can change things and so I thought this was a good outlet for them to be able to express their complaints in a constructive way,” Wise said.

This is a first for ASB. Thirty-five students and five ASB members dined together with Phil’s BBQ after “complaining” Feb. 19.

Freshmen students Jayna Davis and Kimber Carter visited ASB because their resident assistant, Clara Welcome, told them about the event. Davis complained that the campus could do more for the environment, while Carter said there needs to be more advertising for campus events.

“It’s good to let people know what we think and give good feedback,” Davis said.

Carter also said this opportunity is one to really respond to ASB about how they are serving the student body.

“I think it’s good for them to think about how we feel about their progress,” Carter said.

Freshman Courtney Tarnovsky said ASB needed to include “more commuter stuff.” She came to the event with her friends.

“I think it’s a great way to connect with people,” Tarnovsky said. “It’s a good way to get ideas of what they need to improve on or how they can progress.”

Wise asked students to provide solutions to the problems they suggested ASB make. The idea for the meeting was just a thought she had to bring students into the conversation.

“I think it’s important to have a constant feedback loop with the students and so I want to do my job and communicate what the students are saying,” Wise said.

Ultimately, Wise will email all students to respond to their complaints, while looking into the more immediate and long term changes students asked for at the event.

“I plan on updating each student on where we’re at with this issue or where the department’s at with this issue so that they know their voice is being heard,” Wise said.

Student complaints:

More guys at PLNU under Title IX

More skate nights

Books in reference at the library

Fix the shuttle smell

Cash cab in the shuttle

Laundry swipe system

Hand dryers in Nicholson Commons in the downstairs bathrooms

Toe pulls everywhere

Disability access to Starkey B, fix elevators

More on-campus advertising: feels out of the know

Events more geared toward upperclassmen

Library opens too late on Sundays

Sodexo ruined Jamba for everyone

Bring the panini maker back in the Caf

Chicken in the salad bar

Protein in the Caf – grilled

Advertising ASB events more (through RAs or big banners for ads)

Do not do much for the environment

More recycling

Not enough commuter stuff (commuter movies)

Lomalink sent out on Sunday night

Finances for clubs (tough to buy things, getting cash)

ASB Candidates (Spiritual Life – senior)

More relevant Chapels

No vegetarian section, no gluten free

Cheese pizza too many calories (about 630)

Student speaker at graduation – one from sciences, one from humanities (transformed and how you want to be transformed)

no middle of week off-campus shuttle

three-day weekend, library should be open (1/2 open, just for studying)

Caesar salad dressing in the Caf

Deli meat in the Caf sitting out is gross

Bathrooms in Wiley need more ventilation


Public Safety: Don’t feel safe (too focused on parking tickets)

Want to have a scooter and a car

G-unit doesn’t drain (bathroom)

Renovate Brown Chapel

Bring Roary back

Cleaning bathroom at bad time

Smoothie machine in the Caf