
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Point. Letters to the editor and opinion columns are subject to editing for length, taste, grammar and clarity. Any content provided by our op-ed contributors is of their opinion.


The Stranger and I

“Nice to meet you,” I whispered to myself as I climbed off the plane from Italy.  As I entered Italy, I felt a voice; it was that unfamiliar voice that I...


The Dog with the Pink Tail

Having a service dog living with you on campus is not as fun or as easy as it sounds. Whenever people see me with my dog or find out that there is a dog in the...


An Office of One’s Own

You might have seen me on campus: a gray-haired undergraduate who is the age of your parents. You might have casually greeted me, “Hello, Anna,” and I didn’t...