Author - Kimberly Miller


Honoring our retiring faculty

Norm Shoemaker By Professor Karl Martin Near the end of my sophomore year at Point Loma in 1979, I was selected to participate in a summer ministry program...


Senior Reflection: Lindsay Honea

The Point Weekly will be featuring several reflections written by graduating seniors, giving the campus a chance to learn of student’s experiences at...


Book launch “Results May Vary”

Story by Bronwyn Hendry Staff writer “23 and so tired of life,” was the lyric that struck a cord with then 23-year-old Lindsey Lupo as she was driving north on...


Life lessons from PLNU alumni

Dave Spaite Reverend David M. Spaite graduated in 1976 with a B.A. in Christian Education and Youth Ministry and later received his M.A. in Theology in 1985...


Richard Duarte keeps campus safe

Story by John Infranco Staff Writer   Each day students, professors, staff members and Point Loma locals drive past PLNU’s guard shack and think nothing...