December 21, 2024

Jenna Miller

Commencement Day Crappers

The sun is beating down causing the sweat to drip down from your forehead onto the white, paint-chipping…

Fighting a Mental War

She enters into survival mode and fight or flight kicks in. Her hands are shaking and her heart…

Sasha, the Smiling Dog

She is seen smiling at every passing face. People walk by and greet her with an elated “Hello!”…

Best Views from Classrooms

Let’s be honest. Aside from being a great school, most of us chose to attend PLNU immediately after…

Golf Internship

Tables fill the room. MacBooks and papers are scattered across the long black rectangles. Half-eaten sandwiches are left…

Trying Kava

Clouds of smoke crawl into my nose mixing into a cocktail of vanilla flavored vape, ashy cigarettes, and…