A&E Features

Student Artist: Mason Plum

While the world seemed to shut down, Mason Plum’s creativity only grew. The sophomore’s artistic work is mostly illustrations, using ink, paint, paint pens or digital mediums. He spoke with The Point about his experience as an artist during COVID-19.

TP: How has your work progressed or been influenced by time spent in quarantine? 

MP: The pandemic has been a real dampener on my social life, but as for my creativity, it had the opposite effect. I cranked out so much art in that first month being home. There was nothing better to do. I couldn’t see my friends, I couldn’t go out for a meal, I couldn’t even surf at the time because of the red tide. Art kept me busy and sane, if I’m being totally honest. What I created wasn’t always good, but it was fun, and it felt good to have the creative juices flowing. I just tried to make the best [out] of a bad situation. Consequently, people hit me up for commissions and I am making some side cash off my art.

Plum’s art. Photo courtesy of Mason Plum.

TP: When did you start expressing yourself through art? 

I started expressing myself through art at an early age. It wasn’t much of a hobby or anything back then. I have ADD and as a kid I’d doodle all over any piece of paper I could get my hands on to just channel that energy. For example, the teacher would be reading a novel to the class and I’d be listening, but absolutely filling the pages of the novel with small drawings. When high school came along, I decided to take art as an elective and found I really enjoyed it once given the proper skills and materials. I took art classes all four years and created a passion for it because I could express myself in my own way and I seemed to be good at it. Art continues to be something that calms me. It can be a bit stressful when there is a deadline, but that’s how it is. I also continue to enjoy learning more about art and new techniques. I’ve recently found I can do what I love as a job too so I’m now a graphic design major and my hope is to design graphics for surf, skate or snowboard companies.

Plum’s art. Photo courtesy of Mason Plum.

TP: Is there any art you would like to share?

My art can be found on my Instagram page @mcplum_art.

Plum’s art. Photo courtesy of Mason Plum

Written by: Tony Le Calvez



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