February 8, 2025
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A panelist of students, professors and staff spoke this message last Wednesday during ENOUGH, a night of wisdom for Sophomore women.

As you walked into the ARC, the room was transformed into an intimate, welcoming space as students were greeted with smiles from friends, classmates and peers.

Greeters pointed the women to the refreshments tables. Sprinkled across a table, M&Ms, popcorn, marshmallows and other treats were set for a trail mix bar. Hot cocoa and tea were poured as the women waited for the event to begin.

Senior applied health science major, Marlee Aylward kicked off the night with a word of prayer, followed by Professor Kelli McCoy who formally introduced the event and welcomed the ladies to a night of community and wisdom.

As McCoy welcomed the panelist to take the stage, she inspired the sophomores with Brené Brown’s quote: “There was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging and the people who really struggle for it. And that was, the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they’re worthy of love and belonging.”

The panelist spared no time and jumped into the theme of “Enough.” The group collectively described the idea as “complex.” Senior history major, Bailey Taylor, opened up to the group saying how this theme brings about comparison. “We compare ourselves to other women in different ways, whether that academically or our attention for men.”

Students eagerly leaned in as the panel opened up about their own struggles with the theme of “Enough.” Professor Jimi Valiente-Neighbors up about social media as a tool of comparison. “Social media is toxic and I learned that I needed to step away in order to stop comparing aspects of my life with others.”

As the women continued to open up, thoughts and feeling were put into words and the panelist opened up about ways to combat feelings of not being enough. Junior international development major Lauren Kim suggested, “Calling out the good in each other. Lift each other up with encouraging compliments.”

As the event came to a close, the ladies were pointed to a table with metal necklaces stamped with the word “ENOUGH” as a reminder to themselves and the others that they are ENOUGH.

Sophomore biology major Kaylee Deluca found this experience to be “Amazing! I came in with no expectations but this was overall a great bonding experience for sophomore women. I know that we may struggle, but we are in it together.


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