February 27, 2025

Valentine’s Date Ideas for Every Kind of Couple

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Valentine’s day is right around the corner and so is the pressure of finding the right thing to do for, and with, your significant other. Here are some fun ideas on what you and your partner, or even your best friends, can do to make Valentine’s Day a pressure-free holiday to celebrate! 

For the outdoorsy couple

This holiday can be a perfect way to spend time with your significant other by doing something active and engaging. Head on over to Torrey Pines or Potato Chip Rock for some scenic hiking. The top of one of these hikes would make for the best picnic spot, so pack some charcuterie essentials in your backpack. 

For the “I don’t like Valentine’s Day” couple

Even though the holiday may be corny to you, there are still simple ways to go out with your significant other. Instead of going to a romantic dinner, Valentine’s Day would be the perfect time to go to the Roller Skating Rink or get some takeout and take it to eat at the beach while watching the sunset together. This is a simple yet affordable plan that is also a great way to spend quality time, while not overdoing it. 

For the Valentine’s Day enthusiasts

This is your time to shine! Go out for dinner at Old Venice where they have candle lit couples tables lining the patio. Then share an ice cream at Craft. 

For the “I’m trying to save money” couple

You can still have a fun celebration together— head on over to Trader Joe’s and pick up pizza dough (original or herb), and grab all your favorite pizza toppings. Pop those pizzas in the oven and BAM! A date under $15. Watching a movie together too can make it a very low budget dinner and a show.

For the “couch potato” couple

Hey you introverts. This Valentine’s Day, head on over to Kate O. Sessions Park or Balboa Park for a hammocking date. After, cruise the movie theater and see an Oscar-nominated film while buying your favorite theater snacks and treats to share!

Written By: Olivia Cox and Claire Plath


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