February 6, 2025
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And just like that, another school year is coming to a close. Software engineering major Taylor Roberts, finance and accounting double major McKayla Krolczyk, and writing major Meghan Coley discuss their experiences throughout their four years at Point Loma Nazarene University as the end of their college experience is approaching.

Each senior said that PLNU exceeded their initial expectations.

 “I was originally worried I wouldn’t make good connections with likeminded people but I have been so blessed to have met my best friends here,” Roberts said. “Everything about Point Loma exceeded my expectations.”

Krolczyk talks about the scenery and campus activities being a deciding factor. “I originally chose Point Loma because of the surf, the ocean view, and a previous experience with Musoffee from Preview Day. Point Loma absolutely exceeded any expectations I had and did not expect to become so involved and interconnected with this community” Krolczyk said. 

Coley discusses her gratitude for the relationships that were built during her four years at Point Loma. “I knew I didn’t want to leave SoCal after graduating from high school so the location was one of the main reasons I chose PLNU and once I toured the campus, I was sold. Loma had proved to yield more lifelong friendships, lessons, and memories that I could have ever imagined four years ago” Coley said.

The students also discuss their favorite course they took at the university. 

“My favorite class was definitely Surf History and Culture. I learned so much about a hobby that I love” Roberts said. 

One unexpected general education course had proven to be a highlight for Krolczyk. “My favorite class was Introduction to Philosophy with Heather Ross. Although the class was unrelated to my major, I felt that I unlocked a new language of thinking from the course content.” Krolczyk said.

Coley talks about her passion for one of her writing courses. “I loved my Writing for the Community course. I was able to test my limits concerning creative nonfiction and produce essays that I can now look back on and edit. Reading my other classmate’s work was also fun and rewarding” Coley said.

The seniors mention what they will specifically miss about their experience on the campus.

“I will miss being able to see people around campus and not being a part of so many fun events put together by ASB or clubs” Roberts said.

Being surrounded by Christians was very impactful during Krolczyk’s college experience. “For me, the proximity to so many Jesus followers will be what I’ll miss most as well as the accessibility to create and dream up anything with other friends and students. Sitting on caf lane, running on the cliffs, and eating caf oatmeal will also be very missed” Krolczyk said.

Coley talks about the small day-to-day tasks being memorable for her. “I will miss so many of the mundane things I took for granted- meals at the caf, all of my friends being in the same place, and the ocean being outside of literally every window” Coley said.

The girls give some advice to incoming freshmen and transfer students.

“Be persistent. The first few months of school were very anxiety-inducing for me, as I wasn’t sure where I belonged or if others even liked me. It takes time to form relationships and you will eventually find your community at Point Loma” Roberts said.

Krolczyk talks about putting yourself out there and finding a passion. “Get around others that call out the gifts that you have and apply them to groups on campus, whether that be a club, RA team, sports team, Bible study, band, etc. Find something you “can’t not do” and pursue it. Good things will follow” Krolczyk said.

Coley mentions the importance of pursuing friendships. “Although the search for community is daunting, it is worth it and there will be many that want to do life with you. Find a space that fits your particular interests and passions” Coley said.

The seniors discuss how Point Loma has helped prepare them for the next chapter of their lives.

“I got an internship due to my experience here which has now led to my job. I am more than prepared to handle the “real world” as I graduate” Roberts said.

 Krolczyk discusses the impact the university has made on her life purpose. “Point Loma is my testimony. The Lord has met me at this school and put me in so many jobs, leadership positions, locations, and living situations that have brought many blessings in my life. I go into this next season with a clear purpose to encourage people into their vocations, connecting people together and living a steady life” Krolczyk said.

 Coley talks about how Point Loma has instilled a greater confidence for the future. “PLNU has prepared me to enter the world with joy and hope for what I can offer to the San Diego community and beyond. I feel equipped to enter professional spaces regardless of what my career ends up becoming. The people I met during my time here will undoubtedly be invaluable lifelong connections” Coley said.

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2023. 

Written By: Megan Lonsdale


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