
People of Sunset Cliffs: Carol & Kitty

“People of Sunset Cliffs” is a column drawing inspiration from “Humans of New York” (@humansofny) that is dedicated to talking to someone new every week on Sunset Cliffs in an effort to be present to the people around me. In this edition, you will be hearing from Carol and Kitty, two bridge-playing friends from California. 

What brought you two to San Diego?

Carol: I moved here from Los Angeles when I retired.

Kitty: I was born and raised in New York and I moved to the San Diego area 12 years ago when I retired with my late husband. 

What was your occupation before you retired?

Carol: I was a registered nurse and I worked in pediatrics.

Kitty: I spent most of my career in technology and I was also a professional bridge player. I wouldn’t say I’m officially retired now because my retirement hobby became my fourth career; I find people’s biological families through DNA testing. 

Carol: We actually met through playing bridge.

Kitty: I’m actually a former world champion and I have won eight national championships as well. Now I just play for fun. 

Carol: I am not a professional player; we met amateurly. 

Kitty: She plays fine.

What’s your favorite part of San Diego?

Carol: I love that my kids are in San Diego. That’s the reason I moved down here. I also love that I can come to the beach whenever I want and park for free.

Kitty: I love the beach but I also love Balboa Park; that is definitely my favorite place. 

What brought you two to Sunset Cliffs?

Kitty: She loves to walk here at this time of day and she asked me if I wanted to go for a walk and I said “sure.” I was about to clean my fridge, but you know what, I’d much rather be doing this than cleaning my fridge. 

What are the names of your dogs?

Kitty: This is Rocky.

Carol: And this is Jack.

How long have you had them?

Kitty: Rocky is a year old and I’ve had her since last Thanksgiving. The dog I had at the time passed away two days earlier, and a friend of mine found her on the side of the road and sent me a picture saying that this was my next dog. I said that I couldn’t have this dog because my husband recently passed away a few months before, and it would have been too much work. I went to sleep that night and my husband came to me in a dream telling me to take the dog! I texted my friend the next day that I would come get her and she has been an absolute blessing ever since. Taking care of her kept my mind off of my misery and kept me busy, and they say to always stay busy when you are a new widow.

Carol: I have a daughter with special needs who decided at one point that she wanted to foster dogs and I wanted to support her and what she wanted to do. We took dogs in for fostering and one of the dogs we got was Jack; I was done fostering after that. 

What are your passions in life?

Carol: Bridge!

Kitty: Bridge and genealogy!

What is a piece of advice you would give to college students?

Carol: I would say, spend this time getting to know yourself rather than completely getting intermeshed in a relationship and putting all of your energy into getting to know a different person. Get to know yourself and your responsibilities at first, then you will be better in a relationship. 

Kitty: Experiment! Take as many courses as you can. Don’t focus on one thing until you really know what you want to do. Just learn and enjoy this time of life where no one is demanding you to get up in the morning to go to work.

Written By: Christopher Broze