March 30, 2025
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As the year comes to a close, graduation sneaks up and seniors go from the Loma pond out into the sea of the world. Many alumni provide any insight into life outside of the Sea Lion tribe…

Christian Spence (2018): “Take advantage of every moment with your friends. Start figuring out (as much as you can) who is going where and doing what post-grad. Start to think about how you can develop an awesome friend group and community all living in the same area so that you can continue to do life with them. The most powerful thing for me after school was being able to continue that Loma community I had into my real life.”

Anna Peterson (2022): “Appreciate the things that you are thankful for and try not to say yes to everything just because it’s the “last” or get overly sentimental about leaving. Just spend time with your people because your people are the people that matter, and don’t try to create any sentimentality or sadness about things ending.”

Shelby Morris (2022): “Don’t stress about what’s to come because then you won’t enjoy your ending time at Loma.. I think I wish I did more with my time and said yes to more things because you won’t get those experiences back; college is such a unique space. Also, take time to get to know your professors. Loma has some of the greatest teachers and they truly care about our education. They are full of wisdom and advice for career stuff and more. Don’t be afraid to ask for opportunities or connections because they love giving you people to talk to regarding jobs.”

Edward Schultz (2021): “Work hard, play hard. Enjoy the present for what it is and the journey that you’re on, but seize the opportunities you get and make sure to put your all into the work you do…don’t forget to take breaks and reset.”

Katelyn Conrad (2022): “Every month post grad for a while there was another layer of things to process because life all along before was linear and then it all of a sudden becomes a free for all, but it’s exciting! I would say a big thing, which maybe is cliche and people say it all the time, but really be present in the time you’re there and with the people you’re around because it flies by and you only get it in the context that it is for a short period of time. Pay attention to who you really want to surround yourself with and pour into them so that you can practice that when it’s less convenient post grad, and the same goes for how you spend your time. You don’t need to know what you’re doing with the rest of your life right away, but just taking one step in a direction can allow the Lord to open so many doors and so just take baby steps and try not to be debilitated by the amount of change and choices you potentially may have. Just do the things you know are rewarding and life-giving and take you in some direction forward and stay surrounded by people who know you and ground you and will speak truth and encouragement over you through the transition!”

Chad Coons (2021): “Come to terms that you’ll never feel fully prepared for your new job. Continue to always ask questions and if something takes you longer than 10 minutes to figure out at your work, ask someone.”

Kara Murphy (2021): “I’d say of course try to soak up every moment, you’ll never be in this season again. Really think about the friendships that you think will last and invest in those people. Always put God first. Connections are everything for finding a job, so talk to everyone about what field of work you want to go into and even if it is just a friend of a friend who may be able to help; get their contact info.”

Lael Corbin (1999): “My biggest advice is you have to develop hustle, but that it’s different for everyone. What I mean by hustle is developing an attitude of professionalism, but also pursuing what you want to do (personal interests). It’s all going to come down to your mentality. You’ve got to go after it, but in a way respectful of others’ own values. You have to know what you want to do. The hardest thing for people is to trust their own intuition and path.” 

Austin Waechter (2020): “No need to stress about having everything figured out. Pursue what you want to do, not what you think you need to do, as long as it makes you fulfilled. It’s worth it.”

Samantha Melone (2022): “Network as much as you can at Point Loma because after grad it’s more linked-in and connections. Get close to your professors and keep in touch with your alumni network. Enjoy your summer if you don’t find a job right away.”

 David Cummings (1995): “Be aggressive and confident in your job and graduate school search. No one is going to call you and offer you a job out of the blue—go get it. At the same time, be patient and willing to reach your goal in stages. The first step is not likely to be your dream job. That might be job number three or four and might not materialize for several years. Do the stepwise work needed to get where you want to go. Commit to being a lifelong learner in your discipline. If you don’t grow professionally after college, you are going to fall behind very quickly and soon become obsolete.

Mason Verner (2022): “Pursue what makes you excited and take whatever risk necessary to build your life around it.”

Dave Adey (1994): “Don’t go after the money. Be patient, because finding a career is a lot easier than building a life. And building an interesting, fulfilling and creative life that’s sustainable is much harder and takes a lot longer, but in long run that’s the way to go”

Cole Suiste (2020): “Go after what you want. Create the life you want to live”

Payton Goebel (2022): “Don’t feel like you need to go to everything just because it is your “last!” Live every day doing what you want to do—not what you feel like you should. I feel like I went to so many things and burnt myself out because I got exhausted trying to make everything the best it had ever been because it was “my last shot.” But then I would go to things, and when it didn’t meet my expectations or wasn’t perfect, I would walk out feeling bummed because it was my “last,” and I put too much pressure on that. If you genuinely want to go, then go, but if you just feel like you need to (when you literally already have so many good memories) then don’t make your “last” memory forceful or pressured. Spend hours with your bestest friends just doing the simple things instead. Don’t take for granted living with a group of girls, because the chances you end up somewhere as beautiful as you are now is extremely rare. Also, wear whatever you want.”

Chriskott Todd (2022): “Don’t settle for mediocrity, you have the capacity for so much more.” 

Jackson Wise (2020):“Find a job you actually want to do and go for it! The time to fail and learn is now, so nothing is stopping you. Be picky about finding the right job. Community is a lot harder to come by than at Loma, so work at it. Stay in touch with the people around you. It’s the unlikely ones that I  find myself still talking to.”

Emily Merrell (2022): “With a few weeks that lie before you, set down your plans and future talk and just be present with the ones that surround you in this sweet season. Linger longer in the setting you’re in and take time to reflect on the person you have become over the past few years. Express gratitude! It truly offsets the anxiety of the unknown. Hold loosely to the plans, but pursue new opportunities that come your way even the ones that don’t sound glamorous. Hot take: delete LinkedIn, or at least stop looking at what everyone else is doing. Put yourself out there, step into the deep end, be humbled by new environments, new people, and be teachable.”

Caden Proctor (2019): “I would say, don’t stress the decision of finding the perfect job out of college. Usually the first job is not your only job. Most of my friends freaked out about it, but everyone changed their careers a year later. I would also say to stay close to your college friends. You will realize that the friends you make at Loma are people worth sticking around after you graduate.” 

Meghan Mckhann (2022): My advice for new graduates is don’t run away from new challenges or doing experiences that make you uncomfortable. The most growth and opportunities will lie in what you don’t see. Take a chance on God and yourself and everything will work out for a reason. Challenging yourself with a new experience will only allow for more learning depending on your outlook. Congrats to the class of 2023!

Written By: Olivia Cox


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