February 8, 2025

The Kid’s Gallery Featured in The Keller Art Gallery

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Children of PLNU professors had the opportunity to showcase their artwork in the Keller Art Gallery on Oct. 15 at the third annual “Kid’s Show.” The requirements to have a piece displayed included having at least one PLNU professor as a parent and the artist being between the ages of 2 and 12.

Each child who submitted a piece of artwork got to choose a prize from a box during the reception. Prizes included coloring books, paint by numbers and other crafts the kids could take home. Refreshments and snacks were also available.

“Some years [kids submit] macaroni art, some years it’s Legos, and some years it’s finger-paintings,” said PLNU Professor and Gallery Director Lael Corbin.

Each year, The Kid’s Show takes place the week before and after PLNU’s Fall Festival and the artwork will be on display until Oct. 28. This year, the Fall Festival was Oct. 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and the community was able to admire children’s art as well as visit with the family and friends of the artists. With all the bustling going on throughout campus, the art show was a calming place to cool off and admire artwork that was created by young creative geniuses.

The works displayed included abstract drawings, paintings of nature and several sculptures made with materials like Legos, pipe cleaners and plaster. The drawings and paintings were hung on the walls in the Keller Art Gallery at eye level for children in order to create an inviting space for them and maximize their experience in a college art gallery. Sculptures and statues were placed on ledges throughout the middle of the room. Each piece of artwork was displayed with the name, age and title.

“My favorite part is when the kids come in during the reception,” said Corbin. “It’s fun to see the kids get excited about it and want to show their parents their piece. It’s exciting.”

Eight-year-old Thomas Owen got his inspiration for his work Planet Earth when he learned about the planet in school.

“My favorite part was putting the Play-Doh on it!” said Owen.

His favorite countries to sculpt were South America and North America because his family is from both countries.


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