March 10, 2025
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Ally Andre is a junior multimedia journalism major at PLNU.

The Friday before spring break in 2020, I sat in History 3020 — United States history between 1815-1914. Professor McCoy bid us adieu and said “see you in a week.” As we all know, we did not see each other in a week. Almost exactly a year later, I sat in History 4025 — United States History since 1914, and Dr. McCoy welcomed us back. Sitting in the drafty and cold Colt Forum, I was amazed at how we had come full circle. 

Zoom fatigue was hitting hard a couple weeks ago. Then San Diego entered the red tier and in-person classes began. Personally, an in-person classroom setting works a lot better for me. When I’m sitting at home or in my dorm on Zoom, it’s easy to lose focus. When I’m in the classroom, fellow students and professors are right in front of me. This makes me more alert and focused. 

But it’s not just about the learning. Safety is also important — and this feels safe. The classroom desks are marked with stickers showing students where they can and cannot sit. This ensures everyone remains six feet apart during class. Masks are also required to be worn and in my experience, no one has trouble following that rule. 

Additionally, vaccines are about to be made available to everyone over the age of 16 in California. According to a recently issued statement by Governor Newsom, this will start Thursday, April 15. With many students and professors already vaccinated and many more about to be innoculated, the chances of catching the coronavirus in the classroom seems to be getting slimmer and slimmer. 

PLNU is a community of scholars. If we can’t meet in person to study and learn together, then it’s easy for that community to fall apart. As a member of this community, I’m so happy to be back in person, learning and growing with my fellow students.

By: Ally Andre


By Ally Andre

Web Manager

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