Of course you have. It’s been plastered everywhere. You can’t take one scroll through your Instagram feed without seeing a beautiful person laying in wildflowers.
The worst part is, you’re stuck in dreary, old San Diego. You’re miles away from the super bloom in Lake Elsinore and there are no opportunities for you to show off for your followers. Well, you are wrong, my friend. We are lucky enough to be within walking distance of our very own super bloom. Sunset Cliffs has blessed us with the most spectacular arrangement of yellow and orange flowers that are just waiting for you to lay in them.
And if you need some picture “inspo” that will spice up your feed, look no further. We recreated some of the most iconic poses to prove that Sunset Cliffs is just as good, if not better, than the Lake Elsinore super bloom. Feel free to copy these or take your own twist on them. Enjoy.




