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Classes To Fill The Gap In Your Schedule

With graduation checks and registration season upon us, some might be in the familiar situation of needing elective credits. Point Loma offers 60 areas of study, but we often find ourselves so focused on our major that we may not be aware of the amazing classes other majors offer.

Here are four classes recommended by students that you might want to consider to fill those gaps in your schedule.

Business Administration (BUS313) with Professor Hogelucht

Resume building, cover letter writing and informational interviews galore! “Business 313 is a course that prepares students to stand-out in the job search process and within organizations. It focuses on teaching students professional communication skills,” says Professor Hogelucht, who designed the course and has taught it for over twenty years.  

Hogelucht says, “I hear back frequently from students and alumni who tell me that it was one of the most valuable courses they have taken, as it helped them get their job and get promoted.”

James Crocicchia, a PLNU alumnus who works as a financial analyst at Qualcomm, praised the class. “BUS313 is truly a unique and invaluable course. What separates this class is the fact that you come out on the other side with such an applicable toolkit,” Crocicchia says. “Not only does Dr. Hogelucht give you the tools to succeed, she actually puts you in situations to test yourself and learn dynamically.”

Human Sexuality (PSY360) with Professor Kendra Oakes-Mueller

“This course explores topics around human sexuality,” says Professor Oakes-Mueller. “We get to discuss topics like sexual behaviors, gender roles, sexual dysfunction and love communication.”

She also says that, “This is a course which allows individuals to explore and better understand their values, behaviors and choices around sexuality throughout their lives.”

Professor Oakes-Mueller believes this course allows students the space to speak about sexuality, and senior psychology major, Alyssa Pickard, agrees.

Pickard says, “Unfortunately, open, honest, unashamed conversations about sex are few and far between on this campus. This class provides the open space to explore sometimes uncomfortable but important topics with a heavy dose of laughs and community.”

Interpersonal Communication (COM 190) with Professor Raser

Professor Raser enjoys having different majors in this class, as it encourages different insights and perspectives on the topics. She says, “We use two texts [covering] interpersonal communications and non-violent communications. The class explores the challenges we find in close relationships, such as with family, friends or a significant other.”

Raser says, “We look at the communication of empathy, and the trajectory of relationships. We also focus a lot on the application of the material, so empathy groups for the class are formed. All humans are created for connection, and this class helps students see that through a new lens.”

God and Philosophy (PHL250) with Professor Heather Ross

Heather Ross says, “This class deals with the philosophical implications of theology. We discuss time, the relation of the soul to the body, ethical and political implications and heaven and hell.”

Professor Ross taught a similar course entitled, “Philosophy and Religion,” for 15 years, and has taught this particular course for three years. She says, “It’s a challenging class, but we discuss issues that have an impact on our personal and political lives. There are issues people care about but don’t know they’re allowed to talk about.”


About the author

Jessica Fernandez

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