
Biology professors speak fondly of new science building

The new 32,900 square foot science building has slowly taken shape over the last few months and completion is set for August 2015. A few biology professors shared with The Point their feelings and excitement about the new building.

April Maskiewicz
Associate Professor of Biology

April Maskiewicz
Photo courtesy of pointloma.edu

“If you walk down the hallway of the first floor of Rohr Science right now, it’s impossible not to notice that it is only one aisle wide. Piles of supplies and equipment are lined up against one side of the entire hallway. But I don’t find this disconcerting one bit; in fact, I find it quite exciting. Every time I walk down the hallway, it’s a reminder that one day very soon (next August, to be more precise) we will have enough space to house all of the supplies and equipment the we use for biology lab classes and research. And that also means that we will have open counter space in the classroom labs where we can grow seeds, set up microscope lab practicals and offer a variety of other classroom activities that require a bit of extra space. So the constant hum of tractors and the beeeeep, beeeep, beeeep of the cranes backing up on the construction site is music to my ears, because I know that in just a few short months we will more than double the lab space we currently have. There is even a conference room where we can meet with students or hold meetings – wow! Sounds like a little slice of heaven for the biology folks.”

David Cummings
Professor of Biology

Photo courtesy of pointloma.edu
Photo courtesy of pointloma.edu

“For decades PLNU faculty and students have been carrying out high-level scientific research and education, extending back to the Pasadena days. But our current facility, Rohr Science, is sorely outdated for modern work. The new science complex at PLNU is going to bring us into the 21st century, making us more competitive for research funding and the top choice for the best and brightest Christian science students and faculty.”

Dianne Anderson
Professor of Biology

Photo courtesy of pointloma.edu
Photo courtesy of pointloma.edu

“My office faces the construction site, so I hear the trucks, and banging, and grinding all day long…and it is music to my ears because I know that our LONG awaited science building is growing up from the ground. My colleagues do such amazing work given the cramped and old facilities that we have; I can’t wait to see what happens when they are all able to set up shop in the new classrooms and research space. It such an exciting time for PLNU faculty and students.”

Dawne Page
Professor of Biology

Photo courtesy of pointloma.edu
Photo courtesy of pointloma.edu

“We are very excited about the new science building! It’s been quite fun to watch it being built. We are looking forward to having state-of-the art laboratory spaces, and brand new classroom spaces as well. In particular, there will be two 80-student capacity and two 60-student capacity classrooms. These will be shared across the campus, so many departments will benefit from the new building.”

Kerri Sevenbergen
Biology Instructor

Photo courtesy of pointloma.edu
Photo courtesy of pointloma.edu

“I can’t tell you how excited I am about the new science building! We have been working hard for many, many years to offer a quality science program despite severe limitations in our current facilities, particularly a very old building and aging (and sometimes outdated) equipment. I must admit that the thought did cross my mind that the construction phase was going to be loud and somewhat disruptive. However, I am too thrilled by the prospect of state-of-the-art lab space and modern equipment to really have noticed the hammering and drilling. Instead, it all represents tangible progress and amazing potential. I can’t wait to see how much more our program and our students will flourish with a proper science facility. I thank God, along with all of our generous donors, for this incredible blessing!”