Living with Superbloom
It was around 7 or 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning. I couldn’t tell if the strumming of someone’s high E string was in my dream or right in my living room.... Read more.

The Tik-Tok-ification of … Everything
Most afternoons, after a long day of class, I usually find myself sprawled out across my bed with the blue light of my phone shining on my face and my thumbs sw... Read more.

MJ Lenderman creates the Sonic Landscape of a Small Town on “Manning Fireworks”
I’ve begun to lose count of how many “folk revivals” there have been in popular music culture. In the past ten years or so, folk and country music has sor... Read more.

Fontaines D.C. Almost Make A Classic
There is a long line of bands coming out of Ireland throughout rock history: U2, The Cranberries and The Pogues to name a few. Looking to stake their name on th... Read more.

“Dune: Part Two” Review: A Worthy Sequel
*Contains spoilers for the first film Very rarely do sequels improve upon their predecessor. There are the obvious standouts in this category, “The Empire Str... Read more.

Faye Webster is Sad Again on “Underdressed at the Symphony”
Album by album, Faye Webster has slowly been transcending the world of indie-pop music. She is unafraid to dip her toes into a wide array of genres, and her new... Read more.

An Alternate PLNU History: The Blunt
Part I: Before There Was a Blunt… There Was A Point The college was on unstable ground. A once-stout Nazarene college that sat northeast of Los Angeles ... Read more.

Andre 3000 Does Not Live Within the Constraints of Rap Music
Andre 3000 does not live within the constraints of rap music. He has in fact transcended the genre altogether. Leaving behind his rap roots, he has decided to c... Read more.

PLNU Surf Film Duo Debut “Reform”
There are few things that bring together the Point Loma Nazarene University community like surfing. So when one of their own puts on a surf movie premiere in th... Read more.

Josh Hall and “Surfboards as Functional Art”
For decades San Diego and its various waves have raised some of the most prolific surfboard shapers of our time. A more recent addition to the long list of lege... Read more.