One of the first questions someone between the ages of 18 and 24 usually gets asked is “what college/university/technical school do you go to?” Of course, if...
Author - The Point Staff
The Enneagram. It’s become a Point Loma buzzword, to say the least, but there’s also real value to it. Some people think of it as the “Christian Zodiac sign,”...
Looking for a new phone? Before just grabbing the newest iPhone, consider an Android phone. The design philosophy is a little different than Apple’s, but it’s...
While iPhones are ridiculously expensive and the constant software updates are a nuance, I’ve never been worried that my phone would explode in my face—unlike...
We’ve all been there; sitting on the couch, devouring that last cookie, then remembering (in horror) summer is around the corner and we live in one of...
According to the American Heart Association, the average woman should be consuming 25 grams of sugar a day. One eight-ounce serving of Sodexo’s African...
On a high school campus, college students visit to present a short play. This play is facilitated by a survivor of human trafficking, who shares her personal...
The definition from Cambridge Dictionary of white privilege is, “People with white skin having advantages in society that other people do not have,” however...
He walks into class with a smile of recognition for every one of his students. Pacing the front of the room, he sips his tea to fuel the fired-up energy he has...
What is art? Why does it touch our souls? Why should we study it? Art is created out of an artist’s desire to express something. Art can come in many forms;...