Opinions Matter: A letter from the Opinion Editor
This year, I have had the honor of being your Opinion editor, a role that is now coming to an end as you hold in your hands the last edition of the paper for th... Read more.

OPINION: PLNU should stay a dry campus
When I was applying to transfer out of community college, PLNU was one of my top choices. Once I read the covenant required to apply, my desire to attend this s... Read more.

Christian Schools React to Senate Bill 1146
On August 2, 2016 representatives from various Christian institutions in the San Diego area gathered at PLNU’s Liberty Station, hands raised in prayer in what... Read more.

OPINION: Why Dressing Well Can Be Empowering
Unpopular opinion: it actually really matters how you dress. As you read this statement, you may find yourself bristling or annoyed. How dare I tell you what to... Read more.

Why We Should All Be Feminist
Written By Ali Cleveland Within the Christian community, the f-word is dirtier than any swear that could be muttered. Identifying as a feminist often causes sha... Read more.

Why I am not a Feminist
Written By Karina Guerrero Contrary to popular trends, I don’t identify as a feminist. Denotatively, feminism means the political, social and economic equalit... Read more.