“Short Term” Here For Long Haul
A young, skinny redhead runs screaming from the building. Three casually-dressed 20-somethings sprint after him, pinning him to the ground and speaking calm wor... Read more.

Seniors On the Radar: Jené Johnson
Jené Nicole Johnson Feb. 21 | 7:30 p.m. | Free Now: Music Composition major Later: Move to L.A. with hopes of getting an internship in film scoring What is it:... Read more.

Greg Laswell Returns to Lestat’s
Greg Laswell always feels at home in San Diego. The singer-songwriter hailing from Long Beach, Calif. and now living in Brooklyn with his wife, Ingrid Michaelso... Read more.

African journalists visit campus
On Friday, Nov. 8, PLNU welcomed 12 journalists from various countries in Africa to Dean Nelson’s Intro to Journalism class in Taylor Hall. Invited by the Dep... Read more.

Facebook COO brings small groups to college campuses
“Men still run the world.” Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg began the live stream of “Lean In on Campus” with a heavy statement. Speaking to campuses across... Read more.