
ASB blast from the past: ASB board of directors hosts previous ASB boards

On Friday afternoon, the current ASB Board of Directors hosted a reunion for past ASB board members on top of the Ryan library. Roughly 10 board members showed up in addition to the current directors. Past alumni shared their PLNU experiences with The Point.


Tim Benefiel
ASB President 2012
Currently a tax accountant

The Point: What was PLNU like when you were here?

Benefiel: It was fantastic; I loved every minute of it. I’m sure most say that but it’s true.

How has PLNU changed since you’ve been back?

Benefiel: The construction is new and then there’s dancing. That was not allowed when I was here.

What is the best prank you pulled at PLNU?

Benefiel: There were so many. Finals week of my last semester here my friend and I climbed in the bushes on Caf Lane. The cafeteria was open late because people were studying. My friend and I had a giant blow horn and when people walked by we would blow it and scare them.


Mark Hiepler
ASB President 1984
ASB Vice President and Director of Activities 1983
Currently an attorney

The Point: What was PLNU like when you were here?

Hiepler: [PLNU] was a stimulating, nurturing, beautiful place to be. I mainly came here to play basketball but I loved all of it.

How has PLNU changed since you’ve been back?

Hiepler: Buildings and majors have grown a lot.

What is the best prank you pulled at PLNU?

Hiepler: I held the first dance. Dancing was not allowed so I called it the ‘undance.’ It was during chapel and everyone had to sit in a chair and move around. It was like dancing but sitting and eventually everyone was just dancing.


Andrew Layman
ASB Student Relations 1994
Currently an administrator at Kaiser Permanente

The Point: What was PLNU like when you were here?

Layman: It was an inspiring place where many life-long relationships were built. Academics were important to me, but not as important as they should have been.

How has PLNU changed since you’ve been back?

Layman: The biggest change is the new science building, but I plan to explore the campus more, so I am sure I will notice more things.

What is the best prank you pulled at PLNU?

Layman: One day, when we all walked into Chapel, we saw my friend Jim’s car there. Someone had placed it in the aisle – the wheels were even taken off. There was also a time when mice were released in Chapel.