February 11, 2025

4 reasons complying with the NCAA sucks

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Dedicated to all of the compliance issues that athletes, coaches, faculty and staff have to deal with. Otherwise known as things that athletes are irritated because they may or may not make a lot of sense but take a lot of time. #alltheforms #notime

Compliance is the official NCAA DII term regarding the conditions, rules and regulations that the athletes and coaches of any DII university agree to abide by, so that all DII universities are held to the same standard.

1. Go ahead, change your classes. I dare you.

Normal process:

1. Go to records

2. Change class


1. Go to Jackie (Compliance Officer).

2. Fill out form

3. Bring form to professor

4. Bring form to Deron Matson in records

5. Bring form back to Jackie (and hope to heaven you filled it out right)

6. Change class

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2. You know that form at the end of the year where you tell Jackie where you plan on working over the summer. Yea, good luck remembering the address and phone number.

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3. All that matters is that you get there before it closes at 4:30. Oh, you get out of class at 3:00 and have practice at 3:45? Better sprint.


4. There’s the extra benefits form, the occasional meal form, the form for changing classes, the CARA log, the form for unofficial visits, the signing/academic year form, the drug testing consent form, National Letter of Intent (NLI), PLNU weight room rules form, Athletic Training Clinic rules, injury and illness acknowledgment form, waiver of liability, athletic secondary insurance agreement, medical insurance information, emergency information card, substance abuse consent and handbook acknowledgment, student-athlete advisory authorization to release information form, pre-existing condition waiver and release of liability, pre-participation physical form, medical history travel information form…

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Read the article on compliance here for more information.



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