February 8, 2025
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When students hear the word “renewal,” they may think of it as something they need but will never receive. At PLNU, the campus dedicates an entire week celebrating this idea with Spiritual Renewal Week.

Once every semester, PLNU’s cabinet requests that all offices, stores and services on the main campus be closed during the morning chapel hours. Along with this, several added opportunities are given to students for worship and rest throughout the week of Sept. 25-28.

These include prayer stations at Brown Chapel, early morning 6:30 a.m. prayer and song, worship nights, and creative outlets and a guest speaker for the entire week. This year’s speaker is Marcos Canales, a Point Loma alumnus.

“Marcos has been church planting amongst the Latina community of the greater Los Angeles area for the last twelve years,” a poster on Caf Lane said. “During this time, he has worked with nonprofit community organizations in the areas of urban youth development, mentorship and immigration advocacy.”

Canales is the lead pastor of La Fuente Ministries, a bilingual, intercultural and intergenerational congregation in the city of Pasadena.

“Marcos is a man of strong convictions,” said director of spiritual life Scott Coiner. “He loves passionately, he cares deeply and he sees people. His identity and his pursuit is not in ideologies; it’s not in the right thing for the look but it’s for the people. And in his caring comes the hard word to call out the people when we sometimes step away from what we’re destined for.”

Other private universities participate in events similar to Renewal Week, but the following activities are unique to PLNU:

Monday-Friday: Morning Prayer & Song

At 6:30 a.m. each morning, there was a contemplative gathering for singing and prayer. Students met at the cross near the entrance of campus and welcomed the days with fellowship.

Monday Night: Prayer Gathering

Located on the top of the Ryan Library roof, students gathered in the Prayer Rotunda from 7-8 p.m. to pray over Renewal Week with Marcos Canales as they prepared for the week ahead.

Tuesday: Created Space

This was the first Created Space of the school year and lasted from 7-9 p.m. Created Space is a monthly gathering where Point Loma students are invited to participate in different forms of creative worship. Students gathered in the Brown Chapel lobby to make art and worship.

Monday & Wednesday: Chapel with Marcos Canales

Speaker Marcos Canales spoke at all three morning chapels and even during the student-led chapel, Time Out, on Wednesday night. He led the campus through the book of Hosea and talked about turning our eyes off to the idols of the world.

Friday Morning: Chapel Response

Students and staff gathered for an opportunity to praise and worship at chapel. Prayer stations were available as they reflected on the speaker and week behind them.

Friday Night: Worship Night

At 6 p.m., a night of worship and singing prayers of thanksgiving occurred in Brown Chapel to end Spiritual Renewal Week with praise.

“Point Loma, thank you again for having me and for such a warm welcome,” Marcos Canales said. “My prayer for you is that God will continue to do much more than you can imagine and whatever you think of.”

*All three of Marcos Canales’ sermons are available on the PLNU Chapel YouTube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8_HyQzv79Qfn6f8vQUwBw


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