March 28, 2025

Sounds of the Skatepark Vol. 11: Weed, speed and Shockus Park skate scene

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A skater in Shockus Park. Photo credit to Brennan Ernst
A skater in Shockus Park. Photo credit to Brennan Ernst

Rolling into Shockus Park on a Wednesday afternoon, you would think they were holding open auditions for the X Games. Dudes are flying through the air, ripping nose grinds on bare concrete, and skating tag-team lines with the precision of duo figure skating. And yet, the vibe is relaxed and laid back; joints are being rolled, folks are sipping on tall cans of Arizona tea cheering each other on and 12 year olds on scooters watch, mesmerized, as the adults carve concrete like it’s marble.

These incredible skaters are the regulars at Shockus park in OB; San Diego natives who’ve been skating this holy ground since it opened nearly 25 years ago. Folks who once skated the park as teenagers are now bringing their kids, teaching them how to perform their first ollies and drop-ins. To them, the skate park isn’t just about ripping the coolest tricks or being the best; it’s about curating a sense of community and having a good time. 

“This is our home park,” said Lance, a San Diego native and regular at the park. Lance and his buddy Henry met at Shockus Park over 15 years ago and still meet up regularly to skate. Donning matching hoodies and sipping on Twisted Teas, the duo teach each other tricks and cheer on the local kids surfing the bowls. As we got to talking about music, Lance credits Henry with showing him new music. “I love new hip hop,” Lance said. “Anything that’s new, up and coming, you know? I like a lot of stuff, but hip hop is great to skate to. Especially Westside Gunn, Henry just got me onto that—”

“Hitler Wears Hermes, Sincerely Adolf,” Henry interrupted excitedly. “Damn bro,” Lance laughed, “that’s a crazy thing to say out of context.”

“Hitler Wears Hermes 8: Sincerely Adolf” is the eighth album in a series called “Hitler Wears Hermes” by boom bap rapper, Westside Gunn. Known for his whiny, up-pitched voice and coke-rap lyricism, Gunn gained notoriety in the New York hip hop scene as part of the Griselda Records triumvirate, alongside Conway the Machine and Benny the Butcher.

“Yeah, his voice was kind of weird at first,” Lance continued, “but his bars are fire, and it’s great to skate to.” Lance loves to listen to music while skating, usually wearing one earbud to stay in the zone. “I like having one ear in so I can still hear people around me, but I love when people bring speakers and blast their stuff. Makes a cool vibe and I get to hear new stuff too.” Chatting back and forth, Lance and Henry discussed high energy music and how it’s good for learning tricks. “NOFX is good, and Pennywise,” Lance said. “Thrash is great,” Henry chimed in. “When Metallica’s on I’m really feeling it.”

As we were sitting on the poolside steps, we watched another guy rip up the side of the bowl, fly 12 feet in the air, and land in the neighboring pool. “Phweee” Lance whistled. “He’s good.” After landing that pool, the flying man sat down against the fence on the other side of the park. I said farewell to Lance and Henry, and skated up to him; he looked to be in his mid-twenties, very tan, holes in his t-shirt and wore a septum ring as thick as a steel nail. By the time I was introducing myself, he already had a joint rolled and burning at the edge of his mouth. He didn’t want to share his name with me, but he was friendly, local to San Diego and more than happy to talk about music. 

“I don’t think I can recommend any albums off the top of my head, but I have three artists to recommend: Allman Brothers band when I’m chilling, and Slam Shotties or Obituary when I’m fired up,” he said. The flying man told me he doesn’t like to wear headphones when he skates, but also appreciates when someone brings a speaker. “I just like to hear what’s going on around me. Thanks man, see you later.” And like that, I was dismissed.

The last person I spoke to was a young man named Austin from East County. Tan and donning ripped up pants, he confessed to me that he doesn’t listen to albums all the way through, but grew up listening to rock ‘n’ roll. “I used to listen to things all the way through as a kid, but now I like to bounce around. Shuffling songs is just easier,” he said. Streaming songs on shuffle has introduced him to house music, a genre he gravitates to for skating. “Recently house music has been getting me going,” he said. “Anything with a lot of bass.” 

Before I left, he offered up his seat. “You trying to skate this bench man? My bad, I’ll get out of your way.” I thanked him for being so polite, and for thinking I had the skill to clear the 2-foot bench. As he skated off, I watched Henry and Lance trade lines, weaving in and out of each other’s way, and the flying man soaring across the sky, as if he were trying to touch the palm trees. I still haven’t learned how to do a kick-flip right, but I did learn that being a local at Shockus park isn’t about being a good skater, it’s about being good company. 


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