February 23, 2025
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Whether or not a workshop is required for your major, PLNU students can enroll in them to add one unit to their schedule and potentially grow a particular skill.

Literary Magazine Workshop is WRI 216. The prerequisite for the class is the fulfillment of College Composition. PLNU’s course catalog says the class assists students in the hands-on production of the student literary magazine, The Driftwood.

JRN 215 is Newspaper Workshop in which students write articles for The Point Weekly, PLNU’s student newspaper. Students bring story ideas each week and work with those in the class to choose an article to write. Even if they are not enrolled in the course, all students can attend meetings and write for the paper.

Dean Nelson, the director of PLNU’s journalism program, attends the meetings to give constructive criticism to staff writers. Logan Embree, a freshman journalism major, took the workshop last semester. “[It] taught me a vast amount of information concerning all aspects of journalistic writing,” he says. Logan had experience writing for his high school newspaper but says Newspaper Workshop taught him to write concisely and accurately.

WRI 420, Advanced Writing Workshop, is required for writing majors but available to all students. PLNU’s catalog says the class administers “advanced instruction in writing techniques and publication strategies used by professional writers.”

COM 425 is Advanced Television Workshop. PLNU’s Academic Catalog says students create projects that “are viewed and critiqued by peers and the instructor for consideration of being included on the campus cable TV channel.”

Izzie Huljev, a Media Communications Major, is enrolled in the class under the direction of Eliza Jason, the Point TV station manager, and Alan Hueth, a PLNU communications professor. Huljev says it is “a great hands-on class. Your grade is based on how much work you put in, so it’s a really good experience and opportunity to use your skills to create films.”

JRN 217 is Yearbook Workshop. According to the catalog, the class guides students through “planning and design, writing and editing, photojournalism, production, and distribution.”

JRN 218 is Multimedia Workshop in which students are given the freedom to create any medium of work they choose. Stephen Goforth, a PLNU professor of journalism, guides the class with the help of TA Jordan Lemke. Students in the class earn points based on the medium chosen for each project. The number of points earned at the end of the semester determines the student’s grade. Freshman Business Major, Claire Jackson says “the class has a lot of freedom. It’s a good way to figure out what you’re good at.”

If you’re looking for one additional unit in your schedule or a hoping to develop a new skill, PLNU workshops remain available for enrollment. Jackson believes students should enroll in a workshop to “utilize their skills and focus on their strengths.”


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