February 23, 2025

Ministry with Mexico: Spring Break Build 2019

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When someone mentions a spring break trip to Mexico, it typically brings to mind images of luxurious resorts and a tropical paradise. For some, however, the reality was far from lavish beaches and spa days.

Every year, Point Loma’s Ministry with Mexico team organizes a Spring Break Build missions trip in Mexico where they build a church for the local community. The members of the group, including Bob Brower and Mary Paul, spoke of how spending the break experiencing God’s love from hard work and community was the best way they could imagine spring break going.

“Ministry with Mexico Spring Break Build was unlike any missions trip I’ve ever done,” said Payton Goebel, a freshman health sciences major. “Before this trip, I thought that I could only experience or feel God on missions trips where I was working with sick kids or in super impoverished places, but Spring Break Build taught me that God shows up anywhere and everywhere.”

Goebel says that she could build anyone a house now, they just have to ask. Terra Gilman, another freshman who went on the build trip, was also excited about her new skills.

“To my surprise, we all got to learn how to use large machinery and construction tools which was super fun,” Gilman said. “Because Spring Break Build in Mexico was my first ever missions trip, I had no clue what to expect. The week was overall a lot of hard work, but it didn’t feel hard because we weren’t doing it for ourselves and the final product made up for it.”

“A highlight of the trip was definitely creating new relationships with people of all ages and bonding with my team as we served together,” said Gilman. “Although the trip was short and we didn’t go far, I felt God so present in our workplace which made for a very peaceful week and I am so thankful I was given the opportunity to spend spring break there.”

For having never been on a missions trip before, Gilman was excited about how it turned out. She said how proud she was of her work and emphasized how constant God’s presence was throughout their trip.

“There were so many instances where things were supposed to turn out poorly, but we kept getting lucky,” Gilman said. “For example, it was supposed to rain every day we were there, but each morning we woke up to the sun. It was so good. God is so good.”

The Spring Break Build happens every year at spring break, so there’s always an opportunity to go. Goebel and Gilman both hope to go back again, and say they recommend everyone going at least once to experience it.

To learn more, visit pointloma.edu/offices/spiritual-development/.


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