Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Once the sun’s warm glow
has receded from our vision
and the ever-cycling moon
has come from the horizon,
a phenomenon takes place
belittled by our narrow sense of time.
Across the earth at every hour,
light pushes on with ceaseless power
and tomorrow creeps around the planet,
thus becoming today.
Existence takes one step forward.
It is up to you to follow.
You have a chance to rise as new,
or, in the past, you can choose to wallow.
Tomorrow is an opportunity, a gift
from mother Earth herself.
It brings a sense of purity, it can lift
the weight of yesterday somehow.
So let it; don’t try to carry what’s been done.
It will pile up quick and become far more complex.
And then even when tomorrow comes, you’ll still be tied down.
Perhaps that’s why some wish tomorrow would delay,
so that they might untangle themselves first.
Or maybe, in their tomorrow, they predict only struggle or
But to them, and also to those who cling to the high of a happy today,
I say do not put it off. Accept, cherish it. If tomorrow never came
we wouldn’t be “living to fight another day.”
And it will come with or without your consent.
Come, wash us clean universe;
We have much more left to carry.

Lambert is a sophomore engineering major. He is on the soccer team and really likes playing the guitar and backpacking.


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