March 12, 2025

The do’s and don’ts of holiday travel

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As the fall semester comes to the end and we must go back home with our families for the holidays. We want to make sure your trip is as smooth and hassle free whether you driving or fly- ing back to whenever you call home. Here are some travel tips to make your way home less stressful:

For our flyers:

1. Carry earphones. We all know those long flights home and airport delays are annoying so be prepared with your favorite playlist to make the wait less horrible.

2. Always have snacks. Being han- gry (being hungry which make you angry) while traveling is the worst so make sure to stock up on those Chee- tos, trail mixes and candy so you don’t yell at your family when hey pick you up from the airport.

Yes, I know your mom/dad/sister/ great aunt and others always tell you to get to the airport early. But here’s another reminder make sure to get to the airport about two hours before your flight so you don’t have to be that person who misses it. Be cautious of long lines getting into the airport, TSA checks and even waiting to check in your luggage.

4. Pillows. Nothing is worse than waking up with a kink in your neck that literally takes days to get out. Grab your favorite pillow and do not forget it! This lets you to get the com- fort from home on the plane and wake up feeling rested.

5. Pack your carry-on wisely. We all know that one person whose lug- gage gets lost in the airport and ends up with no clothes for the weekend. To prevent this, make sure your carry- on has necessities such as extra clothes, toiletries, charger, a good book/movie, or extra shoes. It’s better to be safe

than sorry.

For the road trippers:

1. Have an ideal copilot. You know who I am talking about. That person who knows what music to play to keep you up, prevents you from ever get- ting bored, and who feeds you so you do not need to take your hands off the wheel. This person has the quali- fications to make this trip awesome whether you are driving two or seven hours.

2. Gas gas gas. Never start your road trip unless you have a full tank of gas. This can prevent having to stop in sketchy areas or not being able to reach a gas station for miles. Also, make sure you have cash so you can fill up the tank at any gas station and be on your way.

3. Choose your route of attack wisely. Traffic is the #1 killjoy on a road trip back home for the holidays. Ideally it would be better to leave ear- ly in the morning or later at night to

avoid turning a three hour trip to a six hour trip because of traffic. Waze is a free application you can download on your smart phone that directs you to the best route in order to avoid traffic.

4. AAA is your friend. What’s worse than getting a flat tire, running out of gas, or locking your keys in your car? Being hours away from home and not knowing how to change a tire! Of course you can always google it, but that takes an unnecessary amount of time. Just to be safe have triple AAA on call so you don’t have to call your family and tell them you are stuck on the side of the 805.

5. Have a car charger. They are a necessity and are fairly cheap. Char- gers can run(if you go to Walmart) from $1.99 for the just car charger to $6.99 if you are looking for the char- ger and the cord. For most of us we know how to get home but keep your phone charged so you can find the 7-11 nearby instead of trying to get

lucky by finding it somewhere off the freeway.

6. Snacks and water are a must. Road trips are hard work when you are continuously driving or trying to stay on track with directions. Always have great snacks and water on deck for those sudden hunger cravings. My to- go travel snacks consist of a wide vari- ety of candy, the biggest bag of chips I can find, and trail mix because who doesn’t love peanuts(unless you have a peanut allergy). Your snacks set the mood for the trip, so grab something you and your friend can all munch on.

Here you have it a list of holiday travel tips to keep you safe and your travels easy. Even if you are road trip experts or frequent flyer. I know the best of us forget as we rush to get out of school and start celebrating the holidays.


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