Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Coronation: The best of the court

_MG_2879 - Sheryl Smee, Executive Director of Alumni Relations
Sheryl Smee, Executive Director of Alumni Relations, welcomes the audience to the Variety Show.
_MG_2908 - Katie Hibbard and Sean Verbitsky, both freshman
Freshmen court: Katie Hibbard and Sean Verbitsky
_MG_2922 - Sophomores, Maddy Trattle, and Jacob Rouse
Sophomore court: Maddy Trattles and Jacob Rouse
_MG_2947 - Juniors, Ryan Bieber and Abi Smith
Junior court: Ryan Bieber and Abi Smith
_MG_3262 Alumni Jeanette Cox and Berry McGuire I think, I have no idea how to spell their names
Alumni Jeanette Korody Cox, 1964 Homecoming queen, and Barry McGuire, 1964 ASB president, present the envelope for Homecoming king and queen.
Last year’s Homecoming king and queen, Orin Mozon and Hayley Swan, presented the crowns for this year’s king and queen.
Paul Thompson and Natalie Swift


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