Faculty members release book on feminism in higher education
BY SARAH O’ROURKE | STAFF WRITER Dr. Bettina Tate Pedersen, PLNU professor of Literature, hosted an event to announce “Facing Challenges: Feminism in Christ... Read more.

Super Bowl 50 Preview: Carolina Panthers Early Favorites Over Denver Broncos
BY GRIFFIN ASELTINE | STAFF WRITER That time of year is starting to approach once again, as the golden anniversary of America’s most-watched event is less tha... Read more.

19 thoughts you have while getting lunch in the caf
WRITTEN BY: IZZY JOHNSON & ALEXIS DRAKODAIDIS The Caf lunch rush. We’ve all been there. We all dread it. It’s a necessary evil that tests... Read more.

Christmas in January: Santas gather at convention in San Diego
WRITTEN BY: HEIDI NICKLES A total of 218 Santas, Mrs. Claus’s, elves, and family members from across the United States came on Jan. 29-31st for The Fraternal ... Read more.

10 things to know about having a roommate
WRITTEN BY: KAYLA CANNING & DAVIS BOURGEOIS 1. You will have NO privacy. 2. People will think you are dating. 3. Your roommate will steal your... Read more.

University concern on replacement prospects
BY: JULIANA VERHAGE | STAFF WRITER “The University is not taking a position,” said Joe Watkins, Vice President of External Relations about the issue of CVS ... Read more.

LINK: FOX 5 shoots hoops with PLNU women’s basketball
FOX 5 featured PLNU women’s basketball team on there outdoor court this Wednesday, Jan. 27. They wanted to feature Head Coach Bill Westphal, who is retiri... Read more.

Point TV: Sexual Misconduct at PLNU
https://youtu.be/b5Gfqhn9IQc... Read more.