Channel 23 launches “The Bye-Weekly Show”
BY MACKENZIE LEVEQUE | STAFF WRITER “If I could tell students one reason to watch the show, it would be because our school president Bob Brower will be dancin... Read more.

New Prescott Prayer Chapel coming in fall 2016
BY BRIELLE BUDROE | STAFF WRITER Last spring, students and administrators came together so they could design a new Lyle and Grace Prescott Chapel. Vice Presiden... Read more.

Student Development welcomes new chapel greeters
BY JULIANA VERHAGE | STAFF WRITER Spiritual Development implemented a new job position called ‘Chapel Greeter’ at the beginning of the school year to welcom... Read more.

Keet and the coffee cart
BY SHAKIA COLLINS | STAFF WRITER Two PLNU students have brewed up their own coffee on campus called Port Coffee. Junior graphic design major, Keet Veylupek alon... Read more.

Emergency phones to be installed
BY SHAKIA COLLINS | STAFF WRITER Emergency call boxes are set to be installed on the PLNU campus. One emergency call box has already been installed outside of Y... Read more.

OSV Welcomes new executive director
She shook hands with Bill Gates as the former Associate Principal of High Tech High School and was in the presence of Oprah Winfrey, but Rebecca Smith’s route... Read more.

Caye Smith takes on new title IX responsibilities
President Bob Brower sent an email to faculty and staff Sept. 1 announcing additional administrative responsibilities for Cabinet member Dr. Caye Smith. In addi... Read more.

PLNU says ‘no more’ to on-campus wedding ceremonies
PLNU put an end to weddings on campus five days after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. PLNU did not provide an answer as to why weddings w... Read more.