The holy place and its holy people: a look at the religions of Lomaland
A gentle breeze rustles the leaves of the coral tree outside Point Loma Nazarene University’s Brown Chapel. Students walk through the courtyard, treading on t... Read more.

PLNU’s 4th annual Lomaland Film Festival celebrates student winners
With only about 2,500 undergraduate students enrolled and only a few film classes offered every semester, Point Loma Nazarene University isn’t the obvious... Read more.

Wilder Woods merges genres and offers poetic lyricism on new album ‘Curioso’
It was the spring of 2019 when an unnamed artist under the moniker of Wilder Woods released his debut songs “Someday Soon” and “Sure Ain’... Read more.

Lomaland: A search for utopia
The human eye is naturally drawn to light. Even the smallest flicker of flame in a dark room will grab its attention. It was light that caught the eyes of hundr... Read more.

My experience at sea with Point Loma Sailing Club
Editor’s Note: Grace Chaves is an officer of the Point Loma Sailing Club. The air is filled with an aromatic briny scent. Seagulls are squawking overhead. All... Read more.

Weston Van Soest brings Hendricks Hall together one viral video at a time
A human pyramid, Santa Claus and a mariachi band. These things have one common denominator: first-year media communication major, Weston Van Soest. Van Soest ha... Read more.

San Diego’s top five Christmas activities, students say
The holidays in San Diego often include warm days and picnics on Sunset Cliffs. Point Loma Nazarene University students are finding ways to make the holiday sea... Read more.

Director of Worship Arts George Williamson speaks on chapel concerns
“Hey, folks! We’re not done yet,” George Williamson, Point Loma Nazarene University director of worship arts said, running from the stage to t... Read more.

What Happened to the Student-Chartered Ministries at PLNU?
Grace Chaves is a second-year multimedia journalism major. She’s a devout Christian and one of the co-leaders of Love Does in Action, a non-PLNU-affiliated cl... Read more.

Phil Wickham Celebrates the Holiday Season Early with New Christmas Album
As soon as the calendar turned from October to November, local San Diego artist Phil Wickham decided it was an appropriate time for us to start listening to Chr... Read more.