
Channel 23 launches “The Bye-Weekly Show”


“If I could tell students one reason to watch the show, it would be because our school president Bob Brower will be dancing briefly in the first episode,” said PLNU junior Jordan Hill as his character for Channel 23’s new project The Bye-Weekly Show.

“I mean, not in briefs. But he will dance,” Hill said.

If that quote sounds both utterly ridiculous and strangely intriguing, then you have completely understood the essence of the show.

The main force behind this satirical news show is Jordan Hill, an English Education major. His major is re- assuring when combined with quotes such as “the four words I would tell students are: watch the show”.

However, it is not the major that you would expect from someone starting a television show. In response to questions about this potential conflict, he stated that teaching is his first option because of the “huge amounts of money involved.” Film, he says, is simply a backup plan in case he loses himself in the fast-paced lifestyle of education and needs to be humbled.

The show will be focused mainly on politics and current events. Hill hopes to reach college students, but assured me that his target demo- graphic is “Latino grandmothers over the age of 96.” He claims that the topics he covers should be important to anyone and sardonically urged anyone who disagrees to simply transfer to Azusa Pacific University.

“Telling people what to think is the main calling of journalists,” said Hill. “I think that there is a need for a show that doesn’t mess around with unimportant things like facts or the truth.”

The show is written by Victor Carno, Josh Rettberg, Conor Josten, and Jonathan Pickett.

Hill stated that the show is like the Colbert Show, except better. Even the production of the show was flaw- less, he said. “Producing a television show is such an easy process,” said

Hill. “There were definitely no hard- ships or emotional screaming matches at all.”

If you are a 96-year-old Latino grandmother looking to watch the premier of The Bye-Weekly Show, you can find it on the PLNU YouTube or Vimeo page on Thursday, October

“Is this my vocation?” said Hill.

“Maybe. We’ll see how the ratings are.”


About the author

Jordan Ligons

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