February 23, 2025

23 things everyone needs to know about the Fellowship House

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Spiritual Development has reopened the application process for people to live in the Fellowship House, a 1,421 square feet, three bed, two bathroom house on Moana Drive, just a mile from campus. Currently five women live there, but two are leaving after the end of the semester. If you’re interested in applying, here are 23 things you should know about the Fellowship House.

1. There’s beautiful wood flooring as far as the eye can see.


2. Except for where it counts… the bathroom.


3. You’ll find the best multipurpose room you’ve ever seen: laundry machines, the shower and your fridge all in one room!


4. Laundry is free and every day is laundry day! Throw up those quarters and celebrate!


Side effects include an increase in friends who talk to you only when their socks are dirty.

5. You always have the freedom to grab a little snack from the fridge as you scrub-a-dub-dub.


6. You’ll want to be a five-star chef in a kitchen that puts Flex apartments to shame.


#perksofbeinginFellowshipHouse = free cooking utensils.

7. Or you can be the ultimate microwave user… the Fellowship House doesn’t judge.


8. There’s the big purple couch, a.k.a. your procrastinating self’s best friend.


(The color of the couch is still up for dispute.)

9. You have the cutest old couple as your neighbors and all you’ll want in life is to be their best friend.

old couple2

10. There’s a big backyard, the perfect arena for all friendly competitions.


11. Have I mentioned that there’s a BBQ? OH YEA THAT’S A THING.


*Zac Efron not included.

12. Plus there’s two avocado trees, which can mean only one thing: Guac Parties.

avacado 1

avacado 2

avacado 3

Avocados are San Diego’s second largest agricultural export and yet they cost us like five dollars #conspiracy.

13. You can walk 20 feet down the street and BAM – Pacific Ocean on the right, downtown San Diego on the left.

San Diego

It’s just like Loma!… Except without the panoramic views.

14. Ideally located on Moana Drive, you’ll always see your runner friends jogging by the house.


They might not appreciate you joining them, but don’t let that stop you.

15. There’s ample amount of storage and pretty soon you find yourself spending money just to fill the emptiness.


16. Pretty soon you don’t know what to do with all that space and you make up stories like there are heads and toes in the attic.


Edgar Allan Poe ain’t got nothing on the Fellowship House.

17. When people find out you live in the Fellowship House you get the best questions like, “What’s the Fellowship House?”

eye roll

18. “Oh I’ve heard of that place, don’t you live next to Mary Paul?”

eye roll 2

19. “Do you live with Mary Paul?”

eye roll 3

*Oh my gracious God.

20. “Oh yea, your house is next to Bobby B’s, right?”


We wish Mary Paul and Bobby B were our neighbors.

21. Speaking of Mary Paul, she comes over every week and automatically you’re her BFFH (Best Friends in the Fellowship House).

best friend

Instantly become Loma famous just by association!

22. You’ll talk, grow close and eventually she’ll tell you all about how much she loves Mad Men.

mad men

Disclaimer: Mary Paul doesn’t dig Mad Men.

23. But above all, you’ll get to live with some of the best people on campus!



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