March 28, 2025

The Pros and Cons of Sports Betting

Views: 770

If one is to open up the “Point Loma Nazarene University Student Handbook,” venture over to the “Personal Conduct” section and find the “G” paragraph, they will find one rule. Gambling, that is. According to the handbook, “Gambling, in any form on campus or at any PLNU sponsored events, is prohibited.”

Good thing we have breaks and good thing I have a car, because since May 2024 I have been making money sports betting off campus… and you can too.

While I’m not here to get you to break any rules or land yourself on a growth plan because you couldn’t stay out of the sportsbooks on school confines, I am here to explain how sports betting — when kept simple — can be a legitimate side hustle. Below you will find my list of the pros and cons of sports betting. And remember, this is advice you should take when you are off campus. With that, I am not liable for anyone breaking the rules.

Let’s get the boring stuff out of the way and start with the cons. An obvious con is that gambling can be highly addictive. Whether it’s poker in Vegas or taking the over on a quarterback’s passing yards from the comfort of your couch, gambling is a slippery slope. If you know you have an addictive personality, just stick to your 9-5 and don’t throw your spending money around on some sports betting. You can go downhill fast if you aren’t smart. 

Since starting to sports bet, I’ve found that watching sports is way more stressful. I can’t ever enjoy the actual game because I’m hyper-focused on a singular player that might be included in a parlay I made before the game. It’s what regular bettors call a “sweat.” You find yourself rocking back and forth in your seat, practically sweating during the game until the player does what you need them to do.

The final con, and something I’ve learned in the months that I’ve been betting, is that sometimes a bet that seems too good to be true usually is. I am a firm believer that betting platforms know far more than the users do, and they trap us with certain lines. I’ve fallen for these traps one too many times, and it’s one of the most frustrating things. On top of that, when players get injured or their coach decides to take them out of the game, a winning bet can end up getting ruined by an unpredictable event. There is so much that is out of your control in sports betting, and those scenarios are the ultimate tests of your patience.

Now for the fun stuff: the pros of sports betting. When done correctly, with time and research, you can make some good money. It’s not going to happen overnight (unless you’re one of the lucky ones), but with enough time on the sports betting apps I promise you it’s extremely hard to lose tons of money. 

I recommend utilizing social media and other services like Reddit groups to find what the best sports bettors are plotting. Then “tail” them, which means to copy their bet, and more often than not you will end the night with some cash in your pocket. People make a living off this stuff, so just copying them is a safe, but less exciting strategy. 

I’m on three apps. Prize Picks, Underdog Fantasy and Sleeper Picks. I don’t use all three at the same rate, but just about everyday one of those apps is likely running some type of promo. Whether it be a free bet, a protected pick (you get your money back if the bet doesn’t hit), or some type of payout boost, the apps want you to participate. If you wait for these promos, your chances of making money jump through the roof. I personally wait for promos to set myself up for success, and the patience has paid off. 

When I can’t bear the stress of watching a player try to cash my bet, I still have something to do on other nights. When the sports are boring, putting a bet on some nobody hockey player or a random basketball player makes me want to watch and cheer them on. It’s even more fun when you get your friends in on it, and have something to bond over. Plus, the apps I use give me money for each person that uses me as a reference when they join the app, so it’s a win-win for everyone involved. 

They say in sports betting, “Vegas always wins,” but personally I’m beating Vegas, and a lot of people I know are as well. Sports betting isn’t easy, but it also doesn’t have to be hard. Do a little bit of research on the athletes you want to bet on, wait for those promos, get advice from the top sports bettors online and it’ll be nearly impossible for you to lose money. Plus, it’s really fun as you get more into it. The pros significantly outweigh the cons, just don’t be that guy that thinks he’s going to obtain generational wealth by betting $5 on a night’s worth of games. Place bets on players with good odds, and sports betting might pay for your next meal out or tank of gas — plus you’ll have a ton of fun in the process.  

Oh, and if you get in trouble with the school, you didn’t hear any of this from me. Good luck and go make some money.



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