February 23, 2025
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Point Loma Nazarene University wedding ceremonies receptions, and vow renewals ended after the Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage legal nationwide in 2015.

Effective July 1, PLNU will no longer host weddings [including vow renewals], and wedding receptions on the main campus or satellite locations,said a release to faculty and staff.

According to the New York Times, the Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage a right for every state just three years ago. Shortly after this coast-to-coast decision was made, PLNU brought an end to the knots that would be tied on campus from that time forward unless they were scheduled under contract.

George Latter, Senior Vice President for Finance said [] we discontinued weddings on campus because the cost of staff and equipment needed to schedule and support the weddings outweighed the relatively small amount of revenue we received. We felt that our staff’s time was better spent on the primary business of the university, which is teaching, shaping, and sending students.

Kristen MacMaster, previous Wedding Coordinator for Conference Services said the decision to discontinue weddings at PLNU was concluded by the Administrative Staff of PLNU in the same summer the Supreme Court said, No longer may this liberty [of same-sex marriage] be denied.”

I feel like its hard to know if its a direct correlation [to the Supreme Courts decision]. The school does have the right to choose what types of events they want to host on campussaid Elise Wilson, Junior Nursing Major.

And yes, in light of the controversy, it is presumptuous to immediately jump to the conclusion just because of Christian traditions,” said Wilson. “It is making a political stance and even if they were, technically they do have the right to do that. Its a private institution.”

PLNU did not comment as to why weddings were banned so soon after same-sex marriage was made legal.

MacMaster said, we arent a wedding venue.Liability issues noise complaints, and a generally small revenue are said to be the main reason for banning these special events.

While weddings, receptions and vow renewals are no longer allowed, Latter said PLNU will still host and open their campus to organizations who have a [] shared mission and desire to impact the San Diego community for Christ.


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