My name is Kaitlin Sorgea and I’m the Health Promotion Specialist at PLNU. I am a 2021 Point Loma Nazarene University graduate with a degree in applied health science and a deep love for this community. My team and I are so excited for another year of serving the students at PLNU and their individualized physical and mental health needs. Our counselors, dietician, nurses, nurse practitioners and physicians have a passion for student health with expertise to match. This past year has been full of growth as the ever-developing nature of our community inspires us to be the best we can be. Whether we see you in the clinic for an appointment or in passing on Caf Lane, we’re excited to connect with you!
Q: Where do I go if I’m needing medical assistance on campus?
A: The Wellness Center is located on the first floor of Nicholson Commons, across from Breakers Market. We function like an urgent care, treating minor injuries and illnesses. If you aren’t sure if your medical needs fit the scope of an urgent care, stop by or give us a call and we’re happy to help you!
Q: Who is the Wellness Center staff?
A: The Wellness Center Medical staff is composed of a medical doctor, 3 nurse practitioners, 3 registered nurses, a registered dietitian, and a health promotion specialist. The Wellness Counseling Staff contains 4 counselors, a new psychiatrist and a new psychiatric nurse practitioner who will be offering extended hours starting this fall!
Q: What do I do if I’m feeling sick and don’t know where to go?
A: In the event that you’re feeling sick and don’t know where to go, you can call the Wellness Center at (619) 849-2574 to schedule an appointment and get directions to our clinic. We also offer Telehealth as a more convenient option. For care outside of our open hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.), all students have access to TimelyCare, a free 24/7 Telehealth service. To make an account, download the TimelyCare app and register with your PLNU student credentials.
Q: What are some of the resources available through the Wellness Center?
A: In addition to our regularly functioning medical clinic, the Wellness Center offers various services in order to meet the diverse needs of our population. Here are some of the resources available to you as a PLNU student:
- The Wellness Center offers contraceptive counseling during our regular business hours. Come meet with [me], a PLNU alumni and certified family planning health worker about your birth control options. Whether you’re looking to start birth control for the first time, switch birth control methods or have questions about your current method, a contraceptive counseling appointment is a great place to start.
- The Wellness Center offers psychiatric services through our new psychiatric nurse practitioner, Dr. Monique Sawyer. She’s offering psychiatric medication management and opportunities for discussion and exploration of alternative treatments and lifestyle interventions for mental health conditions.
- Need a flu shot this fall? Stop by a Wellness Center vaccine clinic for a free flu shot. Be on the lookout in your student email for more details.
- The Wellness Counseling Center offers FREE short-term counseling. First-year students and transfer students get eight sessions while sophomores-seniors get six. Call (619) 849-3020 to make an appointment, or schedule an appointment via a counseling session request form on the Wellness Center website.
- The Wellness Counseling Center also offers free group counseling every Wednesday. Stop by a Wellness Wednesday session offered for the entirety of the school year. Topics change every week and there is no limit to the number of sessions you can attend!
- Did you know that we have a registered dietitian here on campus? Meet with PLNU’s registered dietitian nutritionist Carrie Gunn for a one-on-one, confidential consultation to address your nutrition questions or concerns. Our dietitian also works closely with students navigating the PLNU Dining Hall Cafeteria with food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances.
Q: How do I set up an appointment through the Wellness Center?
A: To make an appointment at the Wellness Center, call (619) 849-2574. You can also make an appointment online through your Point-N-Click patient portal on OneLogin.
Q: What are some ways to stay healthy and safe as I’m getting adjusted to a new environment and schedule?
A: While moving to college can be an exciting time, settling into your routine can be a big adjustment. Here are some tips to be well this school year:
- If you feel sick, do not go to class. Avoiding the rest your body needs will prolong your healing, in addition to subjecting your peers to illness. Make an appointment at the Wellness Center to get the appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
- Make Your Nutrition a Priority. Make sure to eat breakfast, keep healthy snacks on hand, and don’t skip meals. Meeting with the dietician is a great way to learn how to navigate your food options as a PLNU student.
- Sleep is Your BFF. Not getting enough sleep can negatively impact your mental and physical well-being, which affects your ability to thrive as a college student. Take 20-minute power naps, avoid doing homework in your bed, stay away from caffeinated beverages too close to bedtime and avoid pulling all-nighters to study.
- Get moving. Staying active is a great way to enhance your physical and mental well-being. Take advantage of the fitness courses offered at PLNU for credit, walk to class instead of taking the shuttle, use open outdoor spaces to workout and bring a friend if you prefer social exercise.
- Pay attention to Your Mental Health. An overwhelming majority of students find themselves struggling with their mental health at some point during their college career. Know that you are not alone, and there are resources available for you. Making an appointment at the counseling center is a great place to start as you navigate the challenges of life as a college student.
Q: What are some tips to establish healthy habits for sleeping, eating, etc. in a dorm?
A: One of the biggest transitions for students is living in the dorms. Here are some tips to make dorm life a little more doable:
- Sleeping
- Talk to your roommate about your sleep schedules
- Invest in a sleep mask and earplugs
- Make sure your bedding and mattress topper is comfortable
- Use a fan to create a cool environment
- Avoid blue light (your phone, laptop, etc) before bed
- Eating
- Keep a stash of healthy snacks such as fruit and granola bars
- No-cook meals such as salads and sandwiches are easy ways to mix up your diet without a kitchen
- Plan meals to cook in the dorm lounges with some friends!
- Get creative in the caf. Don’t limit yourself to one station: see how many options you have when you combine the different foods offered daily.
- Socializing
- Have open dialogue with your roommate about what’s important to you and what your boundaries are
- Schedule alone time in order to avoid social burnout
- Say yes to social opportunities, even if they take time away from studying
- Use your RA as a resource, they’re invested in your success
Q: How do I get support for mental health?
A: The Wellness Counseling Center is a great resource for mental health support at PLNU. Schedule a free counseling session by calling (619) 849-3020, or by filling out a counseling request form via the Wellness Center website. For mental health support after hours, TimelyCare offers free, 24/7 Telehealth counseling. No insurance needed! Download the TimelyCare app and create an account using your PLNU student credentials to access these services.
Q: What are some of the upcoming events at the Wellness Center this fall?
A: The Wellness Center has many exciting events coming up this fall, such as therapy dog visits, our “Let’s Talk About Sexual Health” tour, an on campus TedTalk, nutrition workshops and more!