An Unorthodox Faculty Meeting
Many times after walking into Golden Gymnasium, the screeching of basketball shoes against the hard- wood floor are the first thing you hear, then the aroma of ... Read more.

E-Sports club draws more competitors
BY SARAH O’ROURKE | STAFF WRITER PLNU e-Sports, a campus-wide gaming club, plans to take what was a small band of friends playing video games and join them in... Read more.

The do’s and don’ts of holiday travel
BY VICTORIA MANRIQUEZ | STAFF WRITER As the fall semester comes to the end and we must go back home with our families for the holidays. We want to make sure you... Read more.

Homeless ministries: students hit people with pies for charity
BY CAMERON MERTINS | STAFF WRITER “The first annual Homeless Ministries Pie Smash consisted of seven volunteers who put their faces on the line in the name of... Read more.

Paris: we are giving ISIS exactly what they want
BY KAI PETERSON | CONTRIBUTOR It’s a bit difficult to write about the attacks in Paris as an American; Paris isn’t our capital, but I think for a lot of Ame... Read more.

PLNU dedicates Sator and Latter halls
BY CRYSTAL WELK | STAFF WRITER After more than 20 years in the making, efforts for PLNU’s new science complex can now finally be called done. The dedication o... Read more.

Student Development hosts sexual identity book club
BY SHAKIA COLLINS | STAFF WRITER The Sexual Identity Book and Discussion Group started on November 4th led by Director of Community Life Jake Gilbertson. The gr... Read more.

Changes for Comm & Theatre Department
BY JULIANA VERHAGE | STAFF WRITER Professor Kathleen Czech is leaving PLNU after this fall semester making her the fifth full time professor to leave the Commun... Read more.

Student breaking chains with hand-made jewelry
It was the relentlessly hot Las Vegas summer after 6th grade when Demi White walked through the doors of Michael’s craft store. The weather had kept her and h... Read more.