
Ahoy! A Letter from the ASB Board of Directors

Photo credit to Arielle Pickerign

Loma students,

Welcome to Loma! Whether this is your first year, fifth year or somewhere in between, we’re so excited you’re here. For those of you who don’t know who we are, we are the ASB Board of Directors. Despite the fact that people refer to us as “ASB” quite frequently, we are NOT the entirety of ASB. In fact, ASB stands for Associated Student Body, so every full-time undergraduate student at PLNU is a part of ASB. The purpose of the Board of Directors is to serve and represent the ASB. In other words, we’re students who are passionate about making this wonderful campus a welcoming environment for all students. The ASB mission statement has been the same since 2007 and it is as follows:

“The purposes of ASB shall be (a) to provide for meaningful, student-sponsored educational, social, cultural, religious, and service opportunities for member students; (b) to foster constructive communication and interaction between the members and the administration and faculty; (c) to foster good relations between ASB members and the university’s surrounding community; (d) to establish rapport with other student associations with similar objectives; and (e) to provide opportunities for members to develop leadership qualities.”

To build off of the mission statement, each year, the current Board of Directors also dreams up a vision statement for that academic year. We’ve spent all summer prayerfully drafting ours, and this is vision statement we have unanimously adopted:

“The Associated Student Body of Point Loma Nazarene University will experience beloved unification through trusted collaboration for Christ’s Exaltation.”

Our biggest priority as a Board is to find ways to unify the student body through our work to exalt Christ. We have individual and group goals to connect more with our peers and each other, and we’re excited for a year full of collaboration between students and ASB government, and between different groups among ASB government as well. We are striving to represent you in all we do, and we welcome your ideas and concerns; after all, our job is to make sure your voice is recognized on campus.

We are always searching for ways to connect with students, so if you’re interested in getting connected with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We’re all available by email, or we have offices on the 3rd floor of Nicholson Commons. Shoot us an email or swing by our office hours; we would love nothing more than to hear from you! Our offices are right next to the ASB lounge, which is a great place to hang out, study or grab some cold brew in-between classes. Feel free to drop by and say hello — we look forward to meeting you all!

To find more information about us, or any other ASB-related groups or events, check out our website: plnuasb.com. There you’ll find pictures of each of the ASB teams, including Board of Directors, Campus Activities Board, Hooligans and the Green Sea Crew, Student Senate and more. You’ll also find many of our clubs/societies which you will learn more about next week at our Resource Fair. These are all wonderful ways to get involved on campus.

We hope you enjoy Welcome Week and that you learn and grow throughout this school year. We are so happy to call this wonderful place home and we are praying that you will find a home in this place, too.

Have a fantastic year!


Anna, Bailey, Colby, Corey, Jordan, Nathan, Tess, and Thomas

The ‘23-’24 ASB Board of Directors